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great album, but a time ago i noticed this: the guy on the cover, isn't that Behemoth's bass player? because on his ( front view) right arm you can see his tattoo of Jason Voorhees if i am right

Hmmmm... that's an interesting observation, between all the flesh and mask I didn't notice, but that may be Orion !!! Let me see what I can find...
I remember an interview where Nergal said it was made up of parts of all of them or something, and they just drew most of the other shiz on after.
Lamb of God - New American Gospel
Megadeth - So Far, So Good... So What?
Dream Theater - Black Clouds and Silver Linings (Instrumental)
I love that song..... I give it third best off that album behind The Count of Tuscany and Wither.

I love the first 5 minutes of that song :D I'm sorry, but the energy level in there is off the hook. Then it turns into a totally different thing (which is not bad), but which pales in comparison to what we had heard. My favorite tracks off the album were A Nightmare To Remember, The Shattered Fortress, and The Count Of Tuscany (A-MA-ZING).

Up there with Powerslave as my favourite Maiden album I'd have to say. Just awesome.
Atheist - Unquestionable Presence
Nevermore - Dead Heart in a Dead World
Ihsahn - The Adversary
Lamb of God - As the Palaces Burn

Each mindblowing in their own way. Best afternoon of music ever? Possibly. :D
World Needs a Hero. World Needs a Hero isnt a terrible song and neither is moto psycho.

Mind you Crush 'em is awesome. Or I think so.


You can crucify me if you want, but I like Risk a hell of a lot more. Dave has never sounded better vocally ever since, yeah, it ain't thrash, but it just seems Dave is having so much fun on that album (something I can't say on The World Needs a Hero, save for a few tracks):

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