Last CD you bought

same as the Ice Maiden = Uriah Heep - Between Two Worlds, although i normally hate compilations it´s a pretty good sum up album of their later releases
Serj Tankian - Elect The Dead (love the accoustic bonus songs)
Dia Psalma - Djupa Skogen (finally a new album)
Tiamat - The Chruch Of Tiamat (dvd)

I think the next ones I'll go looking for are both of the Waterclime and also Casket Casey... We'll see...
Haydn - Masterworks - 40 Hour mp3 DVD
Händel - Masterworks - 40 Hour mp3 DVD
Dvorak - Masterworks - 40 Hour mp3 DVD
Schubert - Masterworks - 40 Hour mp3 DVD
Mozart - Masterworks - 40 Hour mp3 DVD
Mendelssohn - Masterworks - 40 Hour mp3 DVD

legal stuff of course

I forgot the Brahms one.
Khanate - Khanate
Boris - Amplifier Worship
Darkthrone - NWOBHM Single
Pelican - Untitled EP

Weehee! Modern Darkthrone is great! Also; droooooooooooooooooooooone...
I finally ordered 'Chastisement - Alleviation Of Pain', one of the best Swedish death metal albums ever. I also ordered 'Endless Torture - Killing Carols'.

Your CDs have been gently taken from our CD Baby shelves with
sterilized contamination-free gloves and placed onto a satin pillow.

A team of 50 employees inspected your CDs and polished them to make
sure they were in the best possible condition before mailing.

Our packing specialist from Japan lit a candle and a hush fell over
the crowd as he put your CDs into the finest gold-lined box that money
can buy.

We all had a wonderful celebration afterwards and the whole party
marched down the street to the post office where the entire town of
Portland waved "Bon Voyage!" to your package, on its way to you, in
our private CD Baby jet on this day, Monday, November 26th.

I hope you had a wonderful time shopping at CD Baby. We sure did.
Your picture is on our wall as "Customer of the Year." We're all
exhausted but can't wait for you to come back to CDBABY.COM!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Made my day:D

-La Masquerade Infernale
-The Sham Mirrors
-AHS/Constellation/My Angel - Now I have all Arcturus CD'S ^^

Borknagar -Quintessence (It's very weird, but this CD was too hard to find, but to get the another Borknagar cd's was easy :S)
Rivfadír;6758341 said:
I hate having to follow Myspace to get updates on bands. Someone link me to the article on the new Solefald album ASAP, please.

Cornelius' mailing list. apparently you're not on it :lol:

Dearest fan(atic),

By purchasing "My Only Drug Is Madness" by G.U.T. you automatically joined the Von Jackhelln Inhuman Limited Edition Mailing List. I know the name is difficult and long - that is partly why I chose it. It is because we belong to the elite segment of Metal and know how to read. As you surely have noticed, my projects have largely been situated in the avantgarde section of extreme metal. None of my bands — Solefald, Sturmgeist, G.U.T. — have ever been mainstream. My projects are all eclectic and hence appeal to an advanced and experimental audience. I realise that.

Setting up my own record label is a natural consequence of that realisation. When somebody else publishes and sells your music, it takes a lot of work off your shoulders; still, something invariably goes wrong. In the past I have worked with a few labels, all of them established independent companies. But when conflicts arose I, as a musician, rarely had the last say. By establishing Von Jackhelln Inhuman that situation has changed completely.

The increasing piracy and the impotence of the music industry against same demand new solutions. In my case the choice is clear. I want to produce, print and sell my own music to the people I know care: You. By getting signed and numbered albums from me directly you do not only secure some real limited edition goodies for yourself; you also make future releases from VJI possible.

It has taken me longer than expected to write the first VJILEML mail, due to the good fortune of my novel "The Fall of the Gods" (eh eh, as the Italian label manager Roberto Mammarella used to write when communicating laughter). But now I am here. I will not spend the time boasting about my book, rather announce the real news:

Solefald's long-awaited remix album "The Circular Drain" will be ready before Yule (Christmas, that is) and can now be preordered!

In the liner notes of "The Linear Scaffold" we did audaciously announce a follow-up by the name "The Circular Drain". Now, ten years later, it is here, an anniversary album celebrating Solefald's first decade. It features the "Jernlov" demo from 1996, available on cd for the first time. Four songs of screaming madness! 300 numbered tapes of the demo were printed in 1996. The demo sold out quickly and has been unavailable ever since. "Jernlov" has now been remastered by Endre Kirkesola and sounds pretty damn necro! An example: If you thought the screams on "The Linear Scaffold" were intense, you ought to hear the demo...

Furthermore, "The Circular Drain" includes remixes of several Solefald classics. Havoc Unit have remixed "Sun I Call" quite beautifully; The Bombs of Enduring Freedom have given "Survival of the Outlaw" the bigbeat aggression it needed; Newcomer Exorcise offers a breathtaking version of "Red for Fire + Black for Death"; Lazare has finally remixed his favourite track "Fluorescent" (he has been fantasising about that since we recorded "Neonism" back in 1998 - believe me!); I have recorded a semi-unplugged version of "When The Moon Is On The Wave" under the G.U.T. name. Check out the tracklist below for all the details.

Here is how to preorder "The Circular Drain": At the still rudimentary MySpace profile of Von Jackhelln Inhuman ( you find a series of buttons that will take you to the PayPal site where you can pay with debit and credit cards as well as with bank transfers. As we are dealing with exclusive stuff here, I cannot give the albums away; but there are good discounts if you buy several copies. International shipping is included in the price.

You are - of course - the first people I give the opportunity to order. I will send cd number one to the first buyer; cd number two to the second buyer, and so forth. As of yet, noone has placed an order. Grab the chance and get your hands on this exclusive object! Cd number one can be yours! The cd is a 6-page digipack designed by Trine Paulsen and Kim Sølve, who have done our last four releases. The front cover is a real surprise: It features the Theodor Kittelsen drawing that gave "Solefald" our name. With Kittelsen on board we are closer to the TNBM look than never before!

As the CEO (eh eh) of Von Jackhelln Inhuman I will sign and number every cd by hand. Along with the cd I will also send you a hand-printed card from an old-fashioned Berlin typographer stating that you belong to the Solefald hardcore. Your red certificate will carry beautiful German gothic fonts, and I will add your name and the number of your cd by hand. The cds will be ready to ship by December 18th.

"The Circular Drain" is the seventh official Solefald release. The remix album holds our usual professional standard when it comes to design and production (well, except for the demo being pretty necro...) You will not find "The Circular Drain" in the shops anytime soon.

If this isn't a damn good gift idea for Yule, I don't know what would be! Get Solefald remix albums for your friends and family. For your lover and your teacher. For your grandparents and your pet. When they realise how exclusive this is they will love you forever. Now check out and listen to the Exorcise remix!

Here is the complete tracklist:

Solefald Demonstration Tape - 996 AF

1. Motmenneske
2. Philosophical Revolt
3. Sivilisasjonens Slør - Ravnens Fall
4. When The Moon Is On The Wave

Solefald Remixes & Free Mixes

5. Red For Fire + Black For Death - Exorcise
6. Survival Of Fhe Outlaw - The Bombs Of Enduring Freedom
7. Fluorescent (The Total Orchestra) - dj:!!j Lazare
8. Sun I Call - Havoc Unit
9. There Is Need - The Extreme Zweizz Fuckover
10. CK II Chanel no 6 - Half Sherman
11. A Motion Picture - Red Sector A
12. Bragi (Prayer Of A Son) - Havoc Unit
13. When The Moon Is On The Wave - G.U.T.

The total playing time is approx. one hour.

I shall conclude with some Canadian poetry: "Everything I do - I do it for you!"

Best regards,

Cornelius von Jackhelln
Berlin, December 5th, 1007 AF