Last comments before deadline for EP

i like the kick, the snare could be louder, when the guitars are palm muted they sound kinda loose/unfocused/not tight. The vocals kinda stick out in a bad way, like quality-wise they don't match the rest of the mix.
Thanks :kickass:

Amps are
2 tracks of my "modded" behringer Gm110 combo :lol:
2 tracks of either a tube marshall combo or Koch Pedaltone + a power amp. I'll have to ask the friend who reamped the guitars for me in the last moment.

I'll bring the vocals down a bit and see if I can do something about the snare.

KeithRT99, would you suggest apllying more C4 on the guitars or something else to make them more focused? :)
I see what Keith means about the guitars, but I don't think it's that big a deal - if you are using C4 already, maybe take the gain down a touch in the band covering the 120-150Hz range.

The vocals do seem a bit weaker than the rest of the recording - they don't seem to sit in the mix very well. If they were a bit lower, they'd be pushing through a bit more and it won't be as obvious.

Personally I think the snare is the biggest thing. It's not just quiet, it's a little puny sounding to my ears. It's all snap and no punch; I'd love to hear a bit more low stuff in it.

It's sounding good though man - it's more down to individual taste more than anything I think.

i don't think the palm mutes are fixable, you would have to go back and re record them with a different amp/settings, thicker strings (possibly), and a strong picking hand. it doesn't sound that bad though, it's just what i think could use improvement overall.
I think the volume of the voice is pretty good. The only thing I would suggest is perhaps setting the voice back a bit. It seems to be just laying on top of the mix. you could try adding a very subtle slapback just to put it in a "room" like the drums.

the mix sounds good and heavy though!
Thanks :headbang:

BTW, guitars turned out to be H&K Tubeman through Dynacord Reference 1000 120W all tube "mean machinе" :)
du8 said:
I think the volume of the voice is pretty good. The only thing I would suggest is perhaps setting the voice back a bit. It seems to be just laying on top of the mix. you could try adding a very subtle slapback just to put it in a "room" like the drums.

the mix sounds good and heavy though!

1+ try adding a very subtle slapback and remove some of the midds!:headbang:
maybe im going crazy but something about the cymbals sounds weird to me.. at 23 sec into it, it sounds like that cymbal on the right has a reverb track panned to the left or something..
Well, the EP is out now and you can see the video for our title track Burning Bridges here (~38mb)

Not the most original video ever but it cost us: ...nothing, so I guess it's ok "for its price" :)

:headbang: DIY :headbang:
Shadow_Walker said:
lol We're all 20 except the bassist - he 's 21 :p

But I totally understand what he means with that question. And it once again shows the value of styling/outfit/general looks in today's music. Your track sounds super professional, but when one sees the video it's like "uh? wtf?". There's so much "image-inconsistency" that I'd probably scratch the video if I were you. By that I mean that the way you guys look (clothing, hairstyles, caps, general looks) and also the look of your instruments don't go with the music very well.

If you are just playing for fun, then disregard that, but if you are trying to get a decent deal etc. then you should rethink that.

The funny thing is that I would have never had that impression if the music wasn't so well done (not my style but well done).