Last gig you went to?

Hey man, what's your point against Alice In chains? I saw them last year and they really gave a great show! Why laughing about someones music? And before you give any comment on AIC, first have a really good listen to it. If you really open your mind for Alice, then only two things could happen: You are totally blasted away with the excellent voices of Layne and Jerry.. and totally hypnotized by their music.. or you just don't like it, but at least have the respect fore someone who does.

thank you;)
Haha, I think I actually saw you then, were you standing against the stage a bit to the left?

I was wearing the "Death And Glory" AA shirt with the helmed skull on the front :P
The last was Satyricon on October 28. Hope they liked it in Moscow:
Moscow was the most sold out show we have experiensed in a while and the show was delayed almost 2 hours, just to get everyone inside. Great crowd and a special vibe! We'll be back
(Taken from the official site.) It was the first show for me to have jumped down from the stage, an awesome experience

This year the best show was Obituary, July 21.
And in the beginning of January we Russians are waiting for Deicide to come.
I went to Amon Amarth last friday the 24th in Antwerp Hof Ter Loo :cool:
I met a beautiful girl there, we gots each other msn and stuff now :D
Wintersun was awesome too that day, I'm into them atm...
you should have said something!
I didn't recognize you, I just remembered after reading that you were wearing an Elexorien shirt :P

I remembered seeing a girl with an Elexorien shirt because I saw them with Korpiklaani in Rotterdam a while ago :P

and who was stage diving, dude from sayricon or you,

wtf is going on here

I remember my stage diving days back in fuckin' '92, good old days, stage diving while Napalm Death was playing The World Keeps Turning and Sufer the Children, oh yeah

I wouldn't dare to even think about it now, too fucking old, heavy and smart, and I could potentially kill somebody or myself

There's nothing extraordinary in it, there's always a lot of stagediving and crowdserfing during the Russian gigs.
Fortunately the boys caught me

Originally Posted by Tomasz

I didn't recognize you, I just remembered after reading that you were wearing an Elexorien shirt :P

I remembered seeing a girl with an Elexorien shirt because I saw them with Korpiklaani in Rotterdam a while ago :P

lol you must have seen me then too :p
I was also there, and also wearing my elexorien girly :p
Hum, that would be Satyricon + Memfis a couple of days ago. Satyricon owned, and so did Memfis (thou we were only about 10 listening to Memfis)