Last Goodbye


Den Sista Ljusbäraren
Jul 20, 2004
I really have a hard time doing this and I really don't know what to say.
I had fun with all of you guys in this forum for the past few years but this cyberworld is holding me back...I am now breaking my internet ties and this includes this forum and UM and other music forums in general. I realized this is taking too much of my time on the expense of much more important things on the fields of life:).
Any of you guys who keep close contact with me through messenger or ICQ, I just want to say I'm sorry but I cannot continue talking to you either so I'd appreciate you not sending me any messeges...I won't answer them anyway.
I just want to stress that this isn't personal in case anyone gets offended and not to worry...I'm not suicidal...I'm just moving on.
I'll keep rocking in the night with fire and looking forward to hear some more Swanö stuff in the future.
and I may return to this forum someday, when I've matured enough.

All the best to everyone
So many people go through this moments. You'll realize at some time that the Internet isn't the problem. See you around soon =D
Good luck in your endevours. Hope to see you back some day, even if it's just every now and then! You were always a fun guy with a lot of good opinions!!
Cya bro... take care. Our friend is right, though. It's not the internet. You should check into getting help for addictive traits / personality. Internet addiction, since it's not chemical, is really symptom of other things. Good luck with everything!
During this journey called life we will pass diffrent stops and crossroads. It sounds to me that you are about to take control of your life and situation which i good. I wish you the best:wave: :kickass: :headbang:
I also stopped up some years ago and wondered `am I spending to much time on the internet`? After my daughter and son was born (3 and 1 years old now) I`m spending less time on it, but still its a big part of my life. I concider it today as one of my interests and hobbies, alongside music, drawing and outdoor activites like fishing and mountain trips. But quality time with the family comes first. As someone above stated I think that internet is not the problem, but then again I can`t speak for you of course - you got to do what you got to do to "fix yourself".

Take care, see you around!