latency recording drums... d'oh!


Jun 22, 2008
Milan - Italy
Hey dudes..I'm writing this post just to take a couple of minutes to breath, just before crushing my digi002r against the wall...

I've just finished recording drums for a band and almost everything I've recorded has some latency...for a couple of bars it's right in time, but then it's all f**ked up... :cry:

No chance to record it again...editing will be a really hard work...
I just needed some moral support from you!
no the computer has 6.5Gb of RAM and my CPU wasn't really running hot...
I used Logic in low-latency mode, without any audio instrument or CPU-sucking plugin...maybe it's a CoreAudio issue... :erk:

edit: the drummer was really good! everything was recorded with click and seemed really tight with the tempo!
Using the 002r with Logic doesn't seem like the best idea in the first place...

Why not track in PT and transfer to Logic? Do you record in Logic and Mix in PT or is it all Logic?

I'd say, if your problem doesn't exist in PT, then that should be the solution...

I should have thinked about tracking it in PT and then import the tracks in Logic..I've never had the same issue in PT, I think the real problem is between my digi002r and logic..

PT vs Logic 1-0

damn! I really liked Logic before this! :p
I'll just reiterate that this does not sound like latency and does not sound like it is even remotely an issue with the interface. If you were monitoring in logic while tracking the 002 had already completed it's one chance to fuck anything up (A/D). If everything sounded fine at that point then the 002 is not to blame. What you are describing sounds a lot more like a software and/or operator error.
Haha, yeah you provide that moral support ;)


Sorry...I'm not trying to be mean....but I guess it came out that way.
It just seems like this may well be a solvable issue. I have had minor heart attacks with drums in PT only to realize 10 seconds later that I had inadvertently switch my grid to time instead of beats/measures.
It sounds sort of like the click tempo got changed by a BPM or 2 which would allow for the first bar or so to sound ok but for the tracks to get more and more off.
If the session is corrupted there is a reasonable chance that the orginal tracks could be reinported into a new session and work fine.
..But then I'm not a logic guy.
as I opened my project in Logic today everything seems right...the drums are back in time! :OMG:

wtf happend?! probably my computer was a little overloaded yesterday while I was playing back the recorded stuff...
(I was recording about 7Gb of new files in a single project..) :lol:

well, thanks to everyone for your support!
PT vs Logic: 0-0 :rolleyes:

@egan.: no problem dude! your reply wasn't "mean" at all! :)
I know I sound like a smartass right now but I don't give a shit. This is a perfect example why I do a run through of everything the night before I head out to record. And if I can't do that then I make sure to get a whole day ahead of time to set up. Nothing worse than technical errors that could have been avoided. you live you learn, newbie bitch.