Latency with M-Audio Fast Track


New Metal Member
Oct 6, 2011
Hello all.

I've been trying to record with Cakewalk using my M-Audio Fast Track, and have run into trouble with latency. No matter what I do with the buffer settings, my recording always lags considerably. I tried using ASIO4all, but buffer wasn't high enough (even at its maximum setting), so there were lots of clicks and pops. I don't know if that's an issue with my M-Audio device or other hardware, or even something totally unrelated.
Any suggestions on how to eliminate my latency?
I use a M-Audio Profire at home, and never had a problem of latency (Cubase user here).
It seems to be a matter of configuration... did you choose the right devide on Cakewalk?
I would uninstall Asio4all and reinstall M-Audio drivers, they should work properly if your settings in cakewalk are right.

I recommend you to go to M-Audio forums, here are people from the staff that will help you. They did when I had a problem with my device.
how do you have it set up in cubase?, i just got the usb fast track ultra 8r, and there is no latency AT ALL, so i wonder whats wrong with yours. and as most people might suggest, try disabling your network cards. for somereason, it helps a ton for alot of people
Have you downloaded the lastest drivers for your interface off M-Audios site? My Fast Track Pro wont let me use the install disc anymore, I have to actually go to the site to get the drivers needed to run it. You are sure you're going into Options/Preferences and Devices and using ASIO -> Fast Track Pro??? The only time I get huge latency is if I do not have my ASIO device selected and I'll get like almost a 1 second delay.
Alright. So I updated my drivers, and tried again. For a very brief moment, everything seemed to be working fine. Then, the sound stopped working, and I got an error message saying "The ASIO sample rate is not supported by one of the USB interfaces! Please check your sync settings in the control panel." Sometimes, when I flip Sonar back and forth from WASAPI to ASIO, I can get it to work for a few seconds, but never for long. Once again, I am at a loss. How do I get everything working properly?