Latest song, new guitar tone... what ya think?


Universe Igniter
I've finally got my latest song to a point where I'm "mostly" happy with it....

The rhythm guitar work was done on an Ibanex AX220 turned-into-baritone guitar that just recently got an upgrade of a Duncan Distortion in the bridge. This is my first recording with the new pickup, and I'm REALLY happy with the sound. I'm suprised at how "crisp" it is, even playing a fast-ish low rhythm thing starting towards the second half of the song. The guitar is run through only a POD 2.0, then into the computer. The solo guitar work was done on an Ibanez RG320 with stock pickups, and I think it sounds OK... but there's only a little solo stuff anyway, so the dominant tone of the song is the AX220.

I've listened to this on several different sound systems, and so far it's had a nice sound through everything. The Duncan Distortion seems to have a great tone for fitting easily into a mix of a lot of different elements.

If I had to describe the music, I would say it's prog-ish metal mixed with elements of black, death and doom... though that may be a really crappy description. I made a note to myself, late some night when I should have been in bed hours before, that says it's "Doomy prog metal that had one too many cups of coffee for breakfast".

I'd appreciate any opinions. How's it sound to you? The mix OK? There are a couple of things I am not 100% happy with, but I'll see if anyone else notices before bringing them up. They may just be me being overly critical.

Thanks in advance!

(P.S.- If you listened to this song as part of that disasterous thread a short time ago over in General Discussion, it sounds a bit different now than it did then.)
Thanks all. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and am especially glad to hear good production comments. Mixing and mastering is a tough animal to battle... it's nice to know I'm getting somewhere with it (I'm definitely FAR from being a mastering master though). Now all I have to do is duplicate this effort about 9 more times to get a whole CD done :eek:

FYI, after the success of the Duncan Distortion pup in the AX220, I got the same thing for my Ibanez SLSMG (which desperately needed to lose those EMGHZ's), and I mated it with a Duncan Full Shred in the neck. WOW what a combination!!! Holy shit it sounds good, with the bonus suprise being the middle position of my 3-way selector switch! What a cool ass sound for interesting solo work, clean or distorted. I couldn't be happier with it. Also, it has a tone similar to the AX220 now... which is what I was looking for... getting the guitars sounding "similar but distinct" to maintain a commonality throughout multiple songs. It definitely succeeded in that respect... but both these guitars are hard tail with mahogany bodies though, so I kinda was expecting this to happen.

Once I can get something recorded with the Jackson, I'll post a link to the song, in case any of you are wondering what a Distortion or Full Shred neck sound like in a standard-tuned mahogany guitar.

I don't think I would recommend the Duncan Distortion to anyone with lighter wood guitar bodies though. It's a pretty bright pup, and I'll bet would be too bright in something lighter than mahogany or some maples and ashes.

Cosmic_Sea said:
Great Job. Nice Kids Next Door sig.
I was wondering if anyone here would ever see my sig and know what it was!! Awesome :D Aside from some of the Sci-Fi stuff on, KND is the coolest thing TV has EVER had to offer! :D
Does the Pod 2.0 come with any kind of recording software? I thought I read somewhere that it came with something, can't remember what program was listed. If I'm wrong, whats a good program to get? I'm thinking about getting a Pod for home recording and would like to know what recording program works well with it. Thanks in advance. :kickass:
Ironbird666 said:
Does the Pod 2.0 come with any kind of recording software? I thought I read somewhere that it came with something, can't remember what program was listed. If I'm wrong, whats a good program to get? I'm thinking about getting a Pod for home recording and would like to know what recording program works well with it. Thanks in advance. :kickass:
Mine didn't come with any recording software. It's capable of being controlled via MIDI through any sequencing program (various parameters, adding presets, etc), but I've never used this feature. Mine is strictly used as an amp simulator. This is what Musicians Friend says about the POD 2.0....

This fully programmable desktop unit delivers 32 legendary amp tones and features 16 pro-quality digital effects setups arranged on separate knobs. It also offers extensive programmability via MIDI-adjustable parameters. In short, it lets you record mind-blowing tracks with full volume punch without freaking out the neighbors or waking up the wolves. Comes with a CD that includes Emagic® SoundDiver® software (for both PC and Mac platforms) for expanded feature access via MIDI. You can get additional amp models, cabinet emulations, and effects parameters, plus mix-and-match amps and cabs, and you can do strange things with the wah functions and other fun stuff.
For recording software, I use Cakewalk SONAR (v3.1.1), and will likely never use anything else. It's so frickin easy to use, and packs a lot of punch. There are probably cheaper programs out there though if you're on a budget (Cakewalks Home Studio is $149, but I've never used it so can't comment on it). I don't know if Cakewalk or SONAR are the best... but they work really well for me.
I'll probably try out SONAR. I'm not very experienced in the whole home recording thing so I'm going to need something very user friendly. I'll be saving my pennies for a while though, going to try to scam my wife for the Pod for christmas, hopefully she pities me! ;)
Hehehe good luck on the scamming the wife thing :D

I've been trying to figure out what to tell my girlfriend I want. I was going to try and get her to buy me a new Jackson SLSMG... but I couldn't wait, so I blew it and bought it myself. Now what... hmmm... :)

As far as "ease of use" goes... I simply couldn't imagine an easier to use program than SONAR. And if you ask me, it's worth every penny. Keep an eye out at the Cakewalk website too... sometimes they have promotional deals where they offer good discounts. SONAR 4 is right around the corner, so they may have some deals coming soon on SONAR 3!
Heh, yeah it can be tough getting the wife to go along with my gear wishes hehe. Thanks for all the advice, I'll be watching the Cakewalk website to see if they have any deals in the works. You should try to convince your girlfriend to get another jackson SLSMG so the one you have doesn't get lonely. ;)
Line 6 delivers on direct guitar tone, that's for sure. I've got a pod xt and use it in my recordings too.

I would prefer more varied drum samples. The mix was very clear. I would've tried to make it more punchy as far as bass and highs...I didn't like the sound of the death flat, I would prefer more highs.

The performances were all great. Make some more stuff.