Latest work (my new band, for the fallen dreams)


Mar 29, 2009
Well...not exactly for the fallen dreams - just listen and give feedback plz :)

I wrote and recorded drums and guitar, with help writing a few of the riffs from our main guitarist. The whole song was written in a day, and please excuse the sloppy guitar playing as well, as I just started playing 2 weeks ago...n00b pl0x

Drums are unedited, real overheads replaced with slate. Guitars are double tracked EC1000>TSS>Preampus Distortus>Guitar Hack IR. Bass is just direct w/ amp sim on top end and vox are distorted w/ TLSD.

Had a bit of trouble w/ vox...they seem to be pumping the mix. Anyone else notice this? Turn them down, and they are too quiet. Turn them up, and they pump...
Drums sounds really nice, but for some reason a tad on the quiet side... Might just be that the vocals are a bit too loud, because I'd say everything apart from the vocals sounds a tad quiet. If they're making everything pump, I'd say just cut back a bit on the master compression/limiting...

I'd say also cut back slightly on the reverb on the vocals, or maybe just change the type of reverb. At the moment it sounds like a sort of small room reverb, which I think makes the vocals stick out in a negative way... Maybe make it a slightly larger sounding verb, but with less of the verb mixed in?

Really like the song though dude!
more info about bass settings?

i´ve a problem with preampus distortus...if i put a lot gain, it makes a lot noise...
Yeah I noticed the same thing on vox. Unfortunately our vocalist isn't very comfortable without holding a mic in his hand, so he had to grab the mic stand, and when he did, he didn't always scream into the diaphragm of the mic. I let it slide tho just cause this is a demo and I rly wasn't focusing too hard on the vox.

Im suprised you asked about bass...I thought it sounded pretty shitty lol

Bass is a shitty p bass>shitty 1814 pre and split into the high and low end. I limited the fuck out of the low end for no dynamics, and then took the top end and compressed a bit and added a bass amp sim (waves GTR) and some distortion from preampus to make it gel.

And add a gate to the beginning of your chain before preampus....or get a better DI dunno what else to say. There is not a lot of gain on guitars in this song.