Latter Day Friendly Relations

How often do you see your friends in the flesh?

  • Once a week-Social Butterfly Option

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Few times a month over a pint & Roxette

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Few times a year, family gets in the way

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Once a year, what a burden

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • All my friends are inside my head

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Nemtheanga

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • RC is all I need

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters
Think Im hitting 18 months.

Not that I have a shit ton of friends left at the age of 40.

One invited me to his Grandmother's funeral 4 months ago, havent heard from him since.

The other invited me to a bbq soiree a few months back, but was on an inconvenient night.

Havent seen Hill in ages, maybe one day.

I text another daily during baseball season.

Yea that sums it up. Coworkers starting to crawl up as replacements. At least we'll go to breakfast/dinner from time to time. Not the same though. Too confined by the parameters of the camaraderie. Need to be unfettered in mind, body, and soul.
I have a friend in Colorado that I see every summer. When we were kids neither of us was into drinking or parties so we'd go do innocent but stupid stuff like driving around throwing pizza out the window, running into shopping carts, sledding down the sand dunes, and playing catch. When I see him this summer we're gonna paint the town pizza.
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A few times a year. Less often during all this ronashit.

Unless I'm in a band with you, in which case we are indeed friends, and I see you once/twice weekly.

10 years ago Band Night was social night. Three of us were in a band, and our three ladies were good friends. Every Friday night was metal/beer/girls/fun/pizza/weed/music/30s/fuckit.
Living in Paris: met with several people every week

Living in backwater village: just two dudes I hit up once every quarter or so

Some old mates I haven't seen in six months or more and probably not for the next six months or more
well i thought i was relatively isolated but i guess i'm faring better than most of you lot, at least i meet folks briefly every now and again, maybe over a cup of coffee

usually they come over once a week or two to hem and haw and gaze in awe at my work/gloat at my misfortunes while i'm working on my truly neverending house renovations

Living in backwater village: just two dudes I hit up once every quarter or so
weirdly i probably have more friends overall and meet more people since moving to my backwater village (when we're not having a global pandemic that is)
rarely meet at the bar anymore. im either working (which Im doing now....on UM and jamming OMD), at the gym, chilling at the apt or with the kiddos. at 43 with 2 kids, time is a precious thing.

funny enough, just recently a bunch of guys from my high school baseball team did a group message and want to meet up at some point.
weirdly i probably have more friends overall and meet more people since moving to my backwater village (when we're not having a global pandemic that is)

Yes it's a trade off on several levels, with life quality the decisive factor. What I meant is that there are now much less people in my vicinity that would qualify as friends BUT I probably have more immediate interactions (neighbours, family, shop owners, hell, I even talk with the mailwoman now). Of course Corona introduces a big bias too.
yeah it's generally friendlier and you interact more with the locals and get to know them, but i actually feel like i have made more actual friends too

it helps that there are a lot of people with similar interests and of similar age around this cluster of little villages who have been lurking for a long time in the periphery of my social network (no, the real kind) but came closer friendshipely when i moved closer physically
I've never really attempted to make friends with people anywhere I have worked, I like to keep work and my personal life quite separate.

The small group of friends I do have all have similar music tastes to me, and probably socialize once or twice a month, although none of them live within an hours drive. I'm terrible at "interacting with the locals", I moved to a new city 2 years ago and it just doesn't happen. I think I just come across as incredibly unapproachable or something.
I'm one of those guys that just drops by for a cup of coffee when I feel like it without calling first and shit so I see people as much as I want (probably more than I want because sometimes people visit me as well)
Just got invited to a chum's bday party. Thing is, I dont want to go lmfao. I mean it falls legit a day after celebrating my own, so I may very well be hung the fuck over. Counterpunched with a breakfast invite, just in case im not feeling froggy.

Im always finding ways out of this shit. Just too damn introverted, despite being the exact opposite if put in said situation. Getting me to the lake is the hard part. Once there, I'll drink the water. Should try to work on this tbh. Character flaw. :!
This is really the only outings I really look forward to. It makes me smile, no drama, just simple good times making memories.





The milkshake place gave Cosmo a bowl of whip cream
Used to work with my best friend so I would see him every day. Changed work places so now it is once every couple of months.

A college buddy who lives in town and I used to meet up every other week pre-covid.

I used to get together with a former colleague/friend about once a month but he went down the Q-Rabbit hole so now it is once every few months, haha.

A few years back I invited a bunch of friends over for a swim party, but out of like five people only one person swam. The rest of those fuckers said they couldn't swim and my pool gets deep quick with no real shallow end so I haven't invited them back! I thought a pool would help me make more friends, at least, thats how it worked out in a Simpsons episode.
I have always had a difficult time meeting people with common interests in real life. Being an introvert and growing up in a miniscule town didn't help. From the time I was a teenager I liked to talk about things like history, philosophy, religion, and METAL. Needless to say, those weren't very popular topics. I've had a few (literally a few) friends at any point in my life that I talk to or visit from time to time but even with them I don't really have a lot in common except shared experiences. My wife is my best friend and we spend our time together 24/7 and I'm thankful for that. Pretty much all my friendship needs are met in my relationship, but it would be nice to have a bro or two to have a beer with, listen to heavy metal, and talk about history or something else important in life.
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