Latter Day Friendly Relations

How often do you see your friends in the flesh?

  • Once a week-Social Butterfly Option

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Few times a month over a pint & Roxette

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • Few times a year, family gets in the way

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Once a year, what a burden

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • All my friends are inside my head

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Nemtheanga

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • RC is all I need

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters
Think I have only one high school friend left, but we rarely talk. Only if I see him at his job (Target). All my other friends are from work or the interwebs. I am more sociable than I used to be, though. We're two weeks into April and I've already invited peeps out for drinks twice.
Today I repotted and brought home a tree from work that was purchased as a tribute to one of our campus tutors who died years ago.

A bit of context -- the floor that I work on was flooded by busted pipes during the freeze in February. Everything in my area, from walls and cubicles, to textbooks and models, to personal belongings, was cleared out and we still don't have access to any of it (including the Viking figurine I bought from the Nordic Fox, Jerry). No telling when our area will be usable again.

BUT we found our plants in a computer lab yesterday, not totally dead. So my coworker took them all home except this one tree. She didn't work there during the years that this tutor did, but I did, and I knew him and cared about him enough to have daily breakdowns for months after his death. Happy to have been able to give his tree some tlc and a new home at my place. Hopefully it doesn't die now under my care.

I don't know if this post even belongs here, but this is RC so it doesn't matter.
Are you saying it took you almost 2 years on UM to find this place (I just thought your math was bad at first :lol:)?

Yea I've been pursuing my master's degree in Royal Studies, combing through the catacombs of countless threads. (Hence the relative ease in which I could procure which threads in particular have been locked by Ali's hand.)

I stumbled upon this forum in '05. As I pointed out in a prior thread, I doubt I would have enjoyed it had I been here from the start. Papa Josh was an insufferable cunt, and the forum was very political. Probably wouldve ended up being banned given my hot headed boyish disposition at the time. Therefore as fate would have it, '05 was ideal to come upon the scene. Consider this era the Second Wave of RC Posting. Cthulufagth, Asmodee, Dorian, Demilich, et al. all hopped on over around then. This stemmed from a massive exodus from the Opeth forum which turned to dick cheese.

For whatever reason I originally thought this forum was British centric, given a few posters such as Russell and the "Royal" moniker.
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Yea I've been pursuing my master's degree in Royal Studies, combing through the catacombs of countless threads. (Hence the relative ease in which I could procure which threads in particular have been locked by Ali's hand.)

I stumbled upon this forum in '05. As I pointed out in a prior thread, I doubt I would have enjoyed it had I been here from the start. Papa Josh was an insufferable cunt, and the forum was very political. Probably wouldve ended up being banned given my hot headed boyish disposition at the time. Therefore as fate would have it, '05 was ideal to come upon the scene. Consider this era the Second Wave of RC Posting. Cthulufagth, Asmodee, Dorian, Demilich, et al. all hopped on over around then. This stemmed from a massive exodus from the Opeth forum which turned to dick cheese.

For whatever reason I originally thought this forum was British centric, given a few posters such as Russell and the "Royal" moniker.

So what were you doing back then? Were you an Opethian?

I came straight here when I found UM and I have no idea how the hell that happened. :lol:

My first thread here was about Dimmu Borgir.

EDIT: Apparently through the actual Royal Carnage website :lol:

I found UM through the Royal Carnage site. So this is the only part of the forum I use very much. Good discussion in here compared to some parts of the site I've looked at.
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She didn't work there during the years that this tutor did, but I did, and I knew him and cared about him enough to have daily breakdowns for months after his death. Happy to have been able to give his tree some tlc and a new home at my place. Hopefully it doesn't die now under my care.

What was it about this man's passing that had such a profound impact upon you? I apologize for derailing this personal disclosure with my errant follow up and ackowledging such a touching post with a mere "like." Having such an impact on a non-blood relation is a profound accomplishment, even moreso given the self centered world in which we live today. I admire and envy this man for touching you so deeply. I hope and strive to leave lasting impressions with those in my personal life. Majority of society can always improve in this aspect. To be more intune with one another, be more open with one another, and tear down the walls in a relationship where one feels reticent to speak one's mind on account of another's judgment.
We tutored together for three years. He was adorably nerdy. An older guy, but with childlike optimism. Brilliant in math, chemistry, and physics, but even better just as a person. He was really a joy to be around. The circumstances of his death were what really got me.

Long story short, his family didn't want anything to do with him. Nobody claimed his body. He was cremated by the county and his remains were disposed of like trash. It took us a couple of weeks to piece this all together, but it just added a whole new layer to the grief.

I won't go into details about his family, but we never knew that he had come from that type of situation. He had overcome it, in fact, and just wanted to help others. He was basically a traveling teacher and tutor. He had his regular schedule with us, but on his off days he would travel to entirely different regions of the state to teach and tutor there.

He died in a hotel.
Got to go to my bud's promotion party tomorrow. Slightly dreading the whole ordeal, solely on the premise that I know all of his fam for decades, and outside of a couple pow wows time has done wonders in terms of splintering the connection. So its just going to be a bunch o catch up horse shit. Planning on staying 4 hrs max, but may ween it to 3. Hope there's some social lubricant in stock. Cat's pretty straight edge nowadays, and I dont recall if the last one had any proper libations.

/\ Party was fun af and I ended up getting blitzed out of my tits. Also caught a fucking tarantula with my empty booze cup. First time I ever saw one roaming in the wild. Apparently they only venture out to get their fuck on. Poor hairy fuck is going to live the life of an eight legged Moose.

Moral of the story, socialize AS OFTEN as you can, one rarely regrets it.