Lead guitarist in ma band (River Dragon Solo)

All of you bastards trying to recruit my guitarist need to back the fuck up. :heh:

Seriously dude, it's time to destroy. Gimme a few weeks to catch up on my other music projects, and then we'll concentrate on cuttin' heads.

As for the "shred-off", you guys are imitating the great Loomis. So, just getting really close is a major accomplishment regardless of speed or technique or whatever. So now just give each other the 'ol reach around and feel the love.
steve, dont forget the twister and a couple gerbils.

mike, dont quit.

trey, you can keep him as a musician, but nothing more!
eaeolian said:
Hey, I haven't given up for ten years, have I?

It's just the running joke - I'm the only one left from the beginning. In fact, I'm the only one left from the second disc. :lol:

:lol: ahahaha gotcha
Mike said:
trey, you can keep him as a musician, but nothing more!

You don't have to worry about that, buddy.

Eaeolian - For a second there, I thought that maybe we'd start something with the Maiden triple guitar assault.
Need a good metal drummer? let me know, But you'll all have to come up to British Columbia. :p
im not trying to restart the bickering here, but the argument of "if you cant do better, you cant criticize" is fucking bogus. we all have ears and we've all heard the song a million times. our opinion was requested and greasy boy answered. at no time did he claim to be great or claim to be able to do better (but yeh he was definitely being jerky about it). im afraid stevie boy was the one starting confrontaions, but we forgive him cause he's so feminine and sexay.
Moonlapse said:
Every time I see this thread bumped, I have the hope that Loomis would just come in and laugh at everyone. There's scant few things more irritating than a bunch of guitarists arguing with their egos leading the way.

Hell do you even realize why you're arguing anymore? Who cares who can play the solo faster, or more accurately? Does it even hold any relevance to the original post?

lol, has loomis ever posted here? ...maybe once in 4 years? :erk:

I jus tstarted working on "We Disintegrate" ...baby steps.