
yea no way to stop this really. our ep leaked fast as well. thing is i mean its just an ep and its for promotion at the end of the day anyways ya know. hard for metal bands like us to actually make money selling cd's these days because of this stuff, but thats what touring is for i guess. selling shirts and shit is the best way to make money these days.
yeah guess I better go do that.

And yes, money isn't what we're worried about with the leaking. If I wanted money I'd be writing pop tunes for Lazytown.
yea no way to stop this really. our ep leaked fast as well. thing is i mean its just an ep and its for promotion at the end of the day anyways ya know. hard for metal bands like us to actually make money selling cd's these days because of this stuff, but thats what touring is for i guess. selling shirts and shit is the best way to make money these days.

i obviously wasnt talking about making money personally but bands need money to keep doing what they are doing, this shit isnt really free. but its free to download music...
Yes, it is free to download music, however as you said earlier, albums are merely promotional tools to get a band gigs and merch out there. We're not in metal to make our millions however that's where the labels come in. They give us cash to make an album, then bank on it making their money back, while we tour and sell merch to make our pittance. Its the way life goes, I guess.
good job folks, EP leaked on limewire. oh well, bound to happen sometime. :erk:

Sorry, but just saw this.
Can i say "Boo fucking hoo" !?

Charging for demos/eps is pointless. IF you want people to listen to your music, give it for free!

Yes, studio time is expensive but so fuck, sacrifices have to be made for the bigger picture!

This is the best thing that could happen to your band.
Having our EP leak on the net was not hte best thign that could've happened to our band. THe best thing that happened was going to Dave Otero's to record the EP in the first place.

The fact that its leaked is of little importance at this point. I'm just glad it happened after we got the labels' attention. Nobody wants to promote a CD that already been downloaded thousands of times already.
Had you bothered reading more then the first post Gavin, you would have noticed the discussion was more oriented towards our slight displeasure at seeing our songs out in the ether of the internet for free. However, we were not condeming the act as a travesty, just a bit disappointed that it has spread after so few copies have been sold/sent off.

Your point about "IF you want people to listen to your music, give it for free!" is noted and to that end, there are no less than two songs out of 4 (50% of our EP) posted on our myspace for anyone and everyone on the internet to listen to. If you would like, the link is in my signature. In light of this, people are able to listen to us, and decide of they'd enjoy a reasonably (imo) priced EP from us, which a fair number of the forum posters here have purchased.

Please, educate yourself on debate topic(s) before posting, as it will end up saving Kyle endless hours deleting off topic posts in the future. Thanks.
I want the business I work for to see how good of an employee I am, but I'm not about to work for free to show them that. Why should anything different be expected of musicians?

Putting up a couple of songs online to listen to before you buy is similar to giving a company your resume/references.
Maybe to continue to make money on the EP, offer it for Download on your website, and change a small fee, like $3.00 to D/L the whole EP. People will still do the right thing and pay if the price is low. If I could get something for a few bucks, or steal it, I'll pay the few dollars. Even iTunes would sell it for 99 cents a song, so sell the 4 tunes for 2 or 3 bucks. Just a thought!

The EP is great. I'm looking forward to the full length!
i plan to do something like that. not sure exactly yet, but i'll probably offer it up with a donate button, and give some of the money (since this isn't my livelihood) to a humanitarian or environmental fund.
Maybe to continue to make money on the EP, offer it for Download on your website, and change a small fee, like $3.00 to D/L the whole EP. People will still do the right thing and pay if the price is low. If I could get something for a few bucks, or steal it, I'll pay the few dollars. Even iTunes would sell it for 99 cents a song, so sell the 4 tunes for 2 or 3 bucks. Just a thought!

The EP is great. I'm looking forward to the full length!

Thanks Paul. That is not a bad idea actually. Although I have no idea how to go about doing that. I've seen a few other bands using some sort of myspace plugins to do that actually. I'll have to look into it.
Having our EP leak on the net was not hte best thign that could've happened to our band. THe best thing that happened was going to Dave Otero's to record the EP in the first place.

The fact that its leaked is of little importance at this point. I'm just glad it happened after we got the labels' attention. Nobody wants to promote a CD that already been downloaded thousands of times already.

Then you clearly dont want to be anything, than what you are at the moment. Unsigned, and in awe hope that some poor fucker will download one of the samples. Sorry to phrase it like that, I have the upmost respect for all of these indie bands. Seriously, there is nothing to worry about. If you get signed you will laugh at how silly it was to worry about such a thing.
ugh. your comments make me :erk: but I'll just wait and let YOU see what happens here in a couple months.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you DO get signed because not only do i like your music but i remember you from CoBoT and like you as well so i'm not here to be a dick, i'm trying to make the point that far worse things could happen.