has the record been leaked yet?



has TGE been leaked to the net yet? if so someone plz review!!!
If you guys are looking for "leaked" albums before they are even done, YOU FUCKIN' SUCK! Bands like Nevermore work their asses off to consistantly release a quality product while balancing their day jobs and family lives with their recording and touring schedules... I honestly don't know how they do it. They are not rich "rock stars" who can afford to have their hard work stolen.

If you are a devoted fan who just simply CANNOT WAIT to hear the new music, I guess I can sort of understand, but if so, you better be fuckin' FIRST in line to BUY the CD when it is actually released! I know I will be...
Danimal said:
If you guys are looking for "leaked" albums before they are even done, YOU FUCKIN' SUCK! Bands like Nevermore work their asses off to consistantly release a quality product while balancing their day jobs and family lives with their recording and touring schedules... I honestly don't know how they do it. They are not rich "rock stars" who can afford to have their hard work stolen.

If you are a devoted fan who just simply CANNOT WAIT to hear the new music, I guess I can sort of understand, but if so, you better be fuckin' FIRST in line to BUY the CD when it is actually released! I know I will be...

look, a newbie.
he has yet to realize this is actually the board for nevermore UNappreciation.

None of us here like the band, dude, we chased those posers out long ago.