your opinions of the new album

General Zod said:
I'm not sure what downloading a CD has to do with having respect for the artist. I own every Nevermore CD, three t-shirts and have seen them live six times. I think I'm showing them all the respect they need. Simply because I chose to listen to the MP3s before the official release date (at which time I'll buy it) has no correlation to my respect for the artist.


When you wake up and find yourself singing the chorus of a song - you know it is a success...!!!! Today it is "Acid Words", yesterday was "Born"....

Interesting comment about "the surprise" of the new music....I have forced myself to not burn a CD because I also want the feeling of excitement when I do get the final product and can blast it in my car or on my stereo. It is hard to not want to hear what new sounds your favorite band has crafted.....still 6 weeks away...aaaggghhhhhh....
Well I just heard the whole thing and I´m very impressed. I´ve been waiting for nevermore to do an album like this since DNB. Dark, agressive, mellow, atmospheric and fuckin heavy. I WILL buy this album for sure... the only problem is that TGE will take a while to get released here in Brazil. It also sucks that Nevermore has not been in brazil since 2001, when they were on the DHIADW album tour. C´mon guys, show your faces around here and rock the place like you did last time (loved the sepultura cover).
ferlusa said:
Well I just heard the whole thing and I´m very impressed. I´ve been waiting for nevermore to do an album like this since DNB. Dark, agressive, mellow, atmospheric and fuckin heavy. I WILL buy this album for sure... the only problem is that TGE will take a while to get released here in Brazil. It also sucks that Nevermore has not been in brazil since 2001, when they were on the DHIADW album tour. C´mon guys, show your faces around here and rock the place like you did last time (loved the sepultura cover).

When would it be released in Brazil? Not next month?
tattooedsean666 said:
I personally don't download stuff but I look at it 2 ways. Sure, it sucks when people download stuff with no intention on buying the cd . The one thing, if people intend on buying it, is that it helps spread good early word on a cd almost like a movie preview. I have gone to various boards like the board and they are drooling with anticipation of buying this cd so sometimes it works to a band's advantage.

I also like the option of hearing a cd before hand sometimes as I hate when a band pulls a 180 and changes their sound so drastically especially if they turn towards a trend or pull a Metallica. I am a big fan of my fav bands but that doesn't mean I follow them blindly.
That's more or less my take. I know a large number of reviewers, so I usually get to hear promos of stuff. Sometimes I even get burns of them. I either buy the disc when it comes out or throw the burn away if I'm not going to.

Bands differ - some have no issue w/downloading, others have a huge issue with it. Anyone who's going to keep the promo download of TGE instead of buying it wasn't going to buy it, anyway, 'cause Andy's Darth Vader impression is, well, annoying. :)

I was, to say the least, very curious about TGE, since the last two discs have been good, but not great like the two before them. (EoR is MUCH better after the remix.) That, and Smyth is an aqauintance of mine, and I thought he'd be a good fit with the rest of the band.

Looks like I was right. This disc is awesome. I've already placed my pre-order. :)