
I took a leak 10 minutes ago, and in good fashion missed the porcelain completely

Never Download a full album that's not cool. Must buy the CD so Evile can create more greatness:kickass:
ive got a promo, so obviously someone somewhere would have uploaded it by now... They should do it like Nuclear Blast and watermark the promos, they know who leaked it when they check for some specific background noise. some guy in italy went to court last year as a result :saint:
It's too time consuming to mark individual copies when you're doing 2,000 to 3,000 promo copies.

The leak was inevitable, I just didn't expect the dis-honesty to start so early.

I just hope Thrash fans are honest and appreciate the amount of time and work we put into the cd and actually buy it. We've tried our best to create some music that I hope a lot of people will want to hear, so I expect those people to be grateful (if they like it) by giving something in return, not just to sit on their arse and steal from us/the label.

The internet is good and bad. I hate it for this leaking shit, but i'm also grateful for the exposure it's given us. Without the internet we probably wouldn't be where we are now.

If you don't like it, fair enough. If you like it, put yourself in our shoes; would you like someone downloading it, liking it, and not purchasing it?

I'm with Lars :p
I pre-ordered the album a while back now, im looking forward to actually getting the cd and playing it for the first time. I won't be downloading it, if i did when i got my album i would just be like, awww cool! but ive heard it. I'de much rather wait and have that experience of listening to an album on the day of release. Plus the guys deserve people to go out and buy it.. Like Ol said the leak was inevitable (it pretty much always is nowadays) I just hope for the bands sake and also thrash's sake fans realise that they need to buy the album aswel as downloading it..
Yeah, I received a promo but will buy the album anyway. If you think about it, Ol, the album release date for Europe is only 10 days away, so it's not too early a leak. Some leaks hit months before the first official release date, which sucks for everyone involved.
True that. I guess I expected people to have more respect with it being our first album and us being a new band.

How stupid of me to think people are that cool :lol:
I have a promo copy although intend to buy the album when it is released anyway.

It would be nice to think that everyone who receives a copy of an album before the release date respects the hard work of the bands enough not to go and leak the album onto the net. But sadly there are always gonna be twats out there who spoil things.
If someone downloads an album I think it makes the album sound alot fucking worse.

Growing up when I bought CDs, I loved having the whole package to it. Vinyl or CD, i'd leaf through everything while listening to it. In a way getting a feel for the album. I don't understand people who would still have a file on their computer over a fucking old-school CD.

It's beyond me why someone could be so dis-respectful towards a band by downloading an album, liking it, and not buying it. They're not supporting that band, it's plain stealing. illegal? duh?

I remember at a meeting with the label, we were told about a signing with Morbid Angel where a kid brought a CD-R burn of an album up and asked for them to sign it. He just got told to fuck right off regardless of his 'I love Morbid Angel' comments. That's how I see it, Good for them.

For me, an album's packaging has alway affected how good an album is. If it's a great album with great packaging/artwork, there's nothing better (Metallica Justice, Sepultura Remains/Arise). If it's got shite artwork, it somehow doesnt come across as good as it should to me (Megadeth Risk, Annihilator Remains).

So when someone downloads something and they don't even have any packaging to go by, they just have the songs on a computer with a shitty little jpeg of the cover, i think it ultimately makes the songs sound not as good. When I hear 'Master of Puppets' I (somehow) kind of hear/see that awesome cover, the pictures of the band in the booklet and get a feel for the band at that point in time in their career. The packaging is a landmark in the band's progression and career, why wouldn't someone want that?

We put a fuck load of work into the actual packaging and layout/feel of the whole CD, not just the writing and recording. People don't realise that. They're paying for more than just the music. We sat down and spent alot of time thinking and working on how we could make a CD package that would appeal to the people we wrote the music for. Just like we did for the music. Just like all other bands who made packaging for their CDs.

For a band like Evile, we're just starting out. Downloading will affect us more than people think. We aren't Metallica, They've no huge worry about their product not selling. If we sell hardly anything people don't realise how much that can contribute to us not making another CD. It's really that simple.
Well im staying true to Evile, i ain't downloading it. And i understand you about having the CD its so much better. Id rather have the vynal. I remember listening to Metallicas Garage Days Revisited on my pc, and thought nothing of it. The Vynal went out of print years ago and i came across one, and i love it loads now that ive bought it.