Leandro White or Black ?

How does he look likes ?

  • " He has black/indian blood for sure "

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • " He looks a bit like a my pals "

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • " He looks a bit white "

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • " He has no black/indian blood "

    Votes: 6 25.0%

  • Total voters
Apr 9, 2004
In loco parentis
Well now is the time to uncover the truth, now you will see that they guy called Jesus is a fake one, he is a liar, as everyone know Jesus was jewish ( ewwie ) but not a nigga :mad:. Here I'll expose some facts in order to expose the truth :

Fact # 1 : He has got big nose, you know why? because they need to know where the shit is located, they can't be steeping the shit every five seconds.
Fact # 2 : He has got big lips, because god gave fat lips to niggas so that they could suck all the mango without waste any pice of itself.
Fact # 3 : He has got the same ears as monkeys, you know why ? because they need to hear the growling from the lions although they are located 32165465 km away from their leaf tent.

Conclusion :

As you can see, we have the physical proof that leandro is not 100% European, I am truly sure that he has indian blood or black blood, but he claims that he has 100 % european blood, and now, it's your turn to judge this situation, is he black or white? the results are anonym so don't hesitate to vote.
If Leandro doesn' t reply, that means he's a fag and prove The Nerevarine was right.