Leandro's science-y thread of the week

I would love to one day be part of that Astrobiology team. I believe.
"We suggested hydrogen consumption because it's the obvious gas for life to consume on Titan, similar to the way we consume oxygen on Earth," McKay said

As far as i know,the first primitive forms of life on earth used hydrogen instead of oxygen.

All that implies Titan is a dynamic place where organic chemistry is happening now.

I dont know much about this but I do know that ''complex chemical activity'' is far away from any form of life.Temperatures on the surface are too low for any stabile chemical reaction. As far as i know only the reaction of fluorine with hydrogen can occur at extremely low temperatures so ''methane-based life forms'' are impossible cause methane is inert on so low temperatures.

If anyone knows more about this feel free to correct me but my knowledge in chemistry makes me very suspicious about most things in that article :)

Nice thread btw :p
Well you needed the cyanobacteria to crank on the oxygen, which is rocket fuel for multi-cellular life. That took 3.5 billion years.
Well you needed the cyanobacteria to crank on the oxygen, which is rocket fuel for multi-cellular life. That took 3.5 billion years.

Brotip: earth is 6000 years old, thus dismantling your "proof". And btw, how can you believe evolution when its just a theory (a geuss)?