Learning to mix


Oct 24, 2007
I threw this together today to see if I could get a decent mix.

I'm pretty happy with it, since I don't do this much. Its my best so far I think.

Guitars are GutiarRig2, quad tracked
Bass is just dry signal
Drums are Addictive Drums metal-lick preset kit


Of course I would like some recommendations. The kickdrum sucks, but I know nothing about EQing drums. I had a little trouble fitting the guitars in there. They seemed to lack lows, and when i brought them up in the mix, they stuck out too far:loco:

If anyone is bored, I'd really love it if you could give it a quick mix, so i can hear what it could have sounded like if i had some talent:)

Here are the dry guitars,
drum midi file (addictive drums),
dry bass,
WAV of the drums


Thanks everyone
I'm really digging your guitar sound! Can you share your patch for Guitar Rig?
Thanks man

I don't think I saved it, but I can tell you what I did

Its the preset called Distortion Farm.

I turned the filter to 0 on the dist box(the cat) , and turned the compressor off

thats all i did man. If you don't have that preset let me know and ill get it for you