why is my mix suck


Oct 24, 2007
I'm using Slates Thick Metal kit, with some parallel compression on the whole kit.
I could have tried a different kit to see if it sounded better, but I figured I should be able to make this one sound at least decent with my shit. I was wrong.

Dry DI bass with some comp. and eq on it.

TSE x30 for guitars.

I'm very frustrated!

This shit has NO BALLS. I need BALLS!!! wait...:bah:

rather, I want a hard hitting mix with some power to it.



You guys have better ears than I. If you have any advice on how to make this shit sound less flat, I would really appreciate it.
get some of that treble away from the guitars so those mids come out more smoothly and raise the guitar level a bit.
(actually it's like raising everything of the guitar tone except the treble)
get some of that treble away from the guitars so those mids come out more smoothly and raise the guitar level a bit.
(actually it's like raising everything of the guitar tone except the treble)

I originally had them pretty balanced but I listened in my car and they sounded really dull. I guess I had the right idea the first time.

I'll try that though.

Is the bass guitar sounding OK? Yesterday I hooked up a cheap sub I had from my computer speakers to my interface and I feel I have a better Idea of what is going on down there.

I set the level for the bass by turning off the sub, setting a pretty good high pass on, and raising the volume until the upper freqs to be audible through the guitars in the monitors. Then I turned on the sub and lowered the high pass until the lows coming through the sub sounded about right.

How did that turn out? My first time trying that.