Finally finished an EP for some Band...


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
a good thing to develop once you know how to run your gear and mix and all that is know how to run PLAYERS, especially sloppy players. having the patience determination and know how to start and stop through passages and make SURE it's right.

imagine when the real AEs had to cut everything to tape and the amount of editing capabilities were not as visual or convenient as a DAW. and there were still lots of good records! A lot of people here are just recording their own music, but if you are working with other people, it's a valuable skill to work on where you learn how to get the most out of people, not ust your DAW and plugins :)
you guys are joking about the kick drum right? It's plenty loud IMO.


im listening to it with some nice headphones with no EQ and I can barely hear the kick....i think all the drums need to come up... maybe its because the kick dosent fit with the mix? orrrr maybe im just dead fucking wrong....anyone else think the drums are low esp the kick?
actually passive pus are way tighter sounding for low tuned guitars than active ones. no problem at all with that.
i have heard worse guitar sounds!
still drums are a little cloudy // too far back in the mix for my taste - still its ok overall - and if the band is satisfied (are they?) - what else can you ask for :-)