im großen und ganzen ja. die drums sind n preset von fudge (oder bulb) von dem ich mich aber n gutes stück weit weg gearbeitet habe damit es nicht einfach nur übernommen ist. alles andere ist 100% meine arbeit.
ich freu mich hier wie n honigkuchenpferd das es dir so gefällt. check mal deine PM's. achja: I used my neck-pickups for the chorus to make the chords more defined.
I'm not sure what's so special about it I allready uploaded the preset I'm using. You will need the metalpack for the big bottom model though. I added some mids in the eq for more definition but that's about it. maybe the bassguitar adds allot to the sound. I'm not sure. I always add a bit of the gearbox greener (od-clone). but just a bit. maybe it's my really hard picking, too. I try not to overgain my guitars and I always quadtrack them. if you need any further information just ask.
I would like to know what sucks about the mix? can't be perfect.
yeah man should be no problem. but please don't ask for an exchange - till now no one cares too much about metal in kiel. I hope this will change in the future