Learning to Scream...Help?


Apr 7, 2006
So after my band has disbanded, I've realized that if I ever want to be sucessful, I need to learn how to do this vocal style on my own.

So I've been trying to figure it out the past few months, I wanted to scream back up in the band. But now that it's over, I've realized that if I ever want to be satifsfied and successful on any level, I want to be able to do it on my own.

So here's my problem. I can scream decently for a 17 year old who just learned. Problem is, I seem to only be able to scream with this sort of 'tone.'

The only thing I can compare it to the is the vocalist of August Burns Red, his normal scream has sort of this backing high note that I seem to always have. But he can do lows and midrange stuff without the tone. I cannot.

There are local guys that I really admire, guys like Rikk Wolfe from a local band "At the Left Hand of God" His style is pretty much what I want to incorporate into my skillset. But is that even possible? If I learn similar techniques, would I be able to do something similar? Or is it possible I just don't have the pipes to do this.


I got the Zen of Screaming, but honestly i haven't found anything "teaching me how to scream" Seems like a lot of artists talking about how great Melissa is, but I want to be taught how to scream properly, and to get the desired sound that I want. Are there any other resources? I wish I could find some sort of extreme metal vocal coach in the Kansas City area....haha but that's not happening.

So does anyone have any good advice? Thanks a lot. :headbang:

here's the way i did it, i dunno if you could really consider it "good" or not but it worked alright for me.
i just made a bunch of fuckin weird ass screamy-ish/growly sounds while driving around in my car for awhile, and eventually i stumbled upon something that felt right and tried to recreate it. actually now that i think about it, most of my vocal practicing has been while driving in the car (other than at band practice, which was only once a week when we had a full band). like i said, i dunno if it's the best way but it worked.
as far as screaming though i can't do that for shit really outside of band practice, i think there's some part of my brain that won't let me do it properly unless there's enough loudness around me so it feels right. so that's the only time i really get to work on that, definitely a slower process in terms of getting better. plus i've determined that i need to hold my guitar when recording vocals, whether i'm playing or not, when doing long screams.

so really, just experiment with different ranges until you find something that works and then go with that.

hopefully you found something helpful in my i've-had-too-much-coffee-to-sleep-but-my-eyes-don't-want-to-stay-open-anymore ramblings.
Z.O.S vol 1 is shize. It's just a bunch a bunch of asskissing....

Car is a good place to practice, especially on the highway.
It's basically singing, with a different sort of delivery I guess, If you listen to Tim Owens, he's basically the missing link to what I'm talking about.

To feel it out, just start singing along with cd's and eventually you'll see where your voice naturally tends to fit in. A voice teacher funny enough would also prolly help you out too. Just explain what your goals are and it'll help a ton.
I literally screamed in my band for the first time yesterday. We've been trying vocalists out and every single one has been a lemon singing hardcore crap like Jamie friggin Jasta. When I was screaming, I wasn't doing it nearly as loud as I thought I'd need to, but a massive thing I struggled with was my breathing. I'd research that first, you'll find out a lot about how to go about singing in general and doing it properly. I also don't smoke, so I think that helped a bit.

I can't really give you much advice on how to do it, but I'm always growling and screaming in my car to Strapping Young Lad, Machine Head etc, and occasionally singing along to Nevermore and Mercenary type stuff. Jus sayin', that's what I done, and it seemed to work. It was kind of a surprise outcome really, a lot better than we were all expecting, so just go for it and give it a shot, man!
Now I can scream like Tarja.. oh my.. hahaha
Great video though

I have tried "screaming techniques" sometimes, but it seems my voice is just too weak. I guess some people can do it and some will never do, like me.
Although I'm not saying u should stop trying.. but maybe you should. lol
ps.: Just kidding about givin up. I can't listen to your attempt right now, but i'll do as soon as i can.
I listened to your sample, and I think your on the right path, you just have to hone in on your skills :kickass: Go to amazon.com or Barnes & Noble and pick up volume 2 of the zen of screaming. There is alot that goes into it. there is a right way and a wrong way to do it all--Breathing, screaming, back into clean singing. She explains it all. I have both DVD's and they have done wonders :kickass: Oh yeah, and the car practice thing....Im pretty sure that that is where most vocalist's get their shit ironed out. lol, combine Mellisa Cross' advice with your own passion and drive, and CONFIDENCE, and you will do just fine :headbang:
The first one was a bit too much in the way of how awesome she is but the second one is much better. The exercises on the first are worth the price all by themselves, though...
