Least Favorite Borknagar Song


Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
We all have our favorites, whether personal favorites or setlist staples. But just we have our most favorite songs we must also have our least favorites, those songs that you feel could have been left off of the tracklist, the ones you tend to skip when they come up on your CD/mp3 player.

For me I pick The Stellar Dome. The chorus is far too fairy-talish for me and makes me cringe when Mr. V whines when he goes "All the stars that I've seeeeen."
haha, I think it's kind of funny that the things the two of you hate are things that i LOOVEEEE. They're both things you never find in metal, so I think they're really cool to hear.
i find the hoo haa touch a little bit too 70's martial art movie,,i mean i cant take it seriously although i think the idea is good
I don't like :

"The inner ocean hypnothesis" and "resonance" in Epic
"Four element synchronicity" , "The view of everlast" and the last 2 minutes of "Gods of My world" in Empiricism
"genesis torn" and "revolt" in quintessence
"Winter Millenium" in The archaic course
finally "Grimland Domain", and "The Dawn Of The End" in The Olden Domain.

I don't have their debut album so I don't know its songs.
Netin: I respect your opinion, but WTF"¤&!"¤&"! is wrong with Winter Millennium? :(

It's so epic! I just love the whole atmosphere in it, and it is definitly my favourite song of The Archaic Course!
OK, I'll list some as well..
This is hard though. But I'm not really into the s/t album... Perhaps it just needs some more listening
It's hard to pick a song I simply don't like. I can't think of a song that doesn't have some element that I enjoy.
I'd have to go with a lot of songs from the Garm era. As much as I love his vocals, I find a lot of those songs drag on too long and repeat sections far more than necessary.