Least Favorite Kalmah Song

This is not Corey Taylor from Slipknot btw... this is DHG. But don't listen to DHG, it causes severe brain damage.

(no I don't like Slipknot -_-)
even though i haven't listened to Kalmah much (i've had all their CDs for a while) but i am just now listening through their CDs, i guess it's the penalty of ordering tons of CDs at once... but right now i'm on the song after "they will return" on the album they will return and so far the song it's self (they will return, i mean) is my least favorite, as i hate hunting.... and to me the song seems to be about hunting, HOWEVER; it's not a bad song, just not my thing (as i'm an animal person) unless there's something i'm missing about the lyrics of the song?
I agree to the fullest extent. It is the only song that I can't stand at times for some reason.

Why's that, i personally think its one of my favorates,it has a great message in it aswell..

For me i guess its Doubtfull about it all and Heros to us..
Why's that, i personally think its one of my favorates,it has a great message in it aswell..

Yes, the lyrics are quite good, but for some reason I just dont like the overall sound of the music on the song. Never really have, it was always the track that stuck out to me on the black waltz as the song i could skip without much care. It's actually the only kalmah song i can do that too, haha, but every band makes a song or two that someone's not gonna like I suppose.