leaving parent´s house - your experience

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
Hey dudes :)

Yes, you can laugh about me..I´m 28 years old and finally now I´m in search of a housing for my future seriously. I sometimes visited some flats in the past, but I never was in hurry just as now. It´s the right time NOW!

What was your experience? How old were you, as you decided to leave your home? Did you have any problems?

Have you made mistakes from which I can learn now? Any Tipps?
Hey dudes :)

Yes, you can laugh about me..I´m 28 years old and finally now I´m in search of a housing for my future seriously. I sometimes visited some flats in the past, but I never was in hurry just as now. It´s the right time NOW!

What was your experience? How old were you, as you decided to leave your home? Did you have any problems?

Have you made mistakes from which I can learn now? Any Tipps?

Hey Felix,

I'm 24 and still live at home. I'm not particularly in a hurry to move out, but would like to relatively soon. I don't see anything wrong with it as long as I'm not spoiled, take care of responsibilities, and have some goals in mind. Also, helping out around the house helps to keep relations with the parents up to par!

As long as you can afford it and can live independently quite easily then you should be ok! Kids who have everything handed to them their entire lives will have problems.

Good luck dude,

I did it 2 years ago at the age of 31:oops::oops:

Be sure to have a flat with one room just for you, your guitars and all gear.
I have 2 room, the one for sleep and the other one which I have to share with my girlfriend... not recommended.

Many things will change in your live. Instead of passing all day playing guitar, visiting this forum and things like that, you will have to iron your clothes, do the cleaning, and you will have not enough time for you.

The way you did things in the past will change and your girlfriend will impose her way to do things. :lol::lol::lol:
Aahaha there was a french movie about staying at your parent's up to your 30's


Quite funny.

I don't know how you guys were able to stay that long in your parent's house. well they must be easy going. I would have gone crazy.

At 22, after I graduated I found a job in another city, some friends of mine were studying there. I first took a flat/room alone, then with 2 girls I did not know and this year with my friends. It is a crappy student flat but we're together + I can make all the noise/music that I want at any time of the day/time and the rent is low.
Wise words, dudes. Thanks a lot :) I think, it´s not that embarrassing, like some people think. But one time comes a moment, where you wanna be absolutely independend and free. This is grown up and i´m looking forward so much to live in my own housings.

Good luck dude,


Thanks, dude :)
My parents have been really cool with me and let me live here till i decided it was time to move on.. im 26 now and i'll be moving out in a month and a half... yeah it's late but i don't see myself making progress staying here for much longer.

Looking forward to it, not so much the moving and the first week of trying to get used to living in a different enviroment, but i can finally have a living room for myself, plus one room just for my audio gear.. so i can make a little home studio out of it, which is cool.
Yeah, my parents are very easy going so it's not really a huge deal for me right now. Sure I get annoyed here and there, but I did get my own music room when my sister moved out, so it's a bit hard to let go. Haha.

Also, it's a matter of cost. I have my first 9-5 job right now which pays quite crappy. I've worked since I was 16, but this is the first job I have with benefits, so I need to gain some more experience for maybe 1-2 years before I think of moving on. when my pay increases it will be easier to move out.

hahaha I´ve done it anyway, dude. I've always been reckless in my life :lol:

Ja but have you ever been caught? :D

My mom walked right in on me while I was getting a fierce bj when I was like 17. The only positive thing, if there could be ANYTHING good about that situation, was at least my girl's head was under a blanket at that moment :p

Anyway, in regards to your question ... I moved out into my 1st apartment with a buddy when I was like 19, almost 20. It was awesome and sucked more than anything in the world. Total freedom but lived on a lot of peanut butter & jelly, mac & cheese ... basically I had almost no money.

Only advice I can give from anything I learned from all the time since is ... learn to be completely comfortable and self-sufficient on your own. You NEVER want to have to rely on anyone else to make sure a bill is payed, rooms are cleaned, etc ...

I spent a week in the middle of winter in that 1st flat living under a pile of blankets because even though I had given my share of the electric bill money to my roomate that month, he never payed the bill. Oh and using the public phone on the street corner in freezing rain is fun too when your asshole roomate forgot to pay the phone bill as well in the same month. Needless to say, I only lived with him for 6 months.

Good times :D
Ja but have you ever been caught? :D

My mom walked right in on me while I was getting a fierce bj when I was like 17. The only positive thing, if there could be ANYTHING good about that situation, was at least my girl's head was under a blanket at that moment :p

Anyway, in regards to your question ... I moved out into my 1st apartment with a buddy when I was like 19, almost 20. It was awesome and sucked more than anything in the world. Total freedom but lived on a lot of peanut butter & jelly, mac & cheese ... basically I had almost no money.

Only advice I can give from anything I learned from all the time since is ... learn to be completely comfortable and self-sufficient on your own. You NEVER want to have to rely on anyone else to make sure a bill is payed, rooms are cleaned, etc ...

I spent a week in the middle of winter in that 1st flat living under a pile of blankets because even though I had given my share of the electric bill money to my roomate that month, he never payed the bill. Oh and using the public phone on the street corner in freezing rain is fun too when your asshole roomate forgot to pay the phone bill as well in the same month. Needless to say, I only lived with him for 6 months.

Good times :D

Sounds like fun! lol

A lot of people are actually ditching land line telephones nowadays (especially those who rent). Cell phones ftw!

I still love the land line at home though. Sometimes cell service sucks, or phones decide to just crap out on you.

Sounds like fun! lol

A lot of people are actually ditching land line telephones nowadays (especially those who rent). Cell phones ftw!

I still love the land line at home though. Sometimes cell service sucks, or phones decide to just crap out on you.


true but keep in mind this was also 14 years ago ;) I didn't have the money to eat more than once a day and my roomate and I would basically pool together our loose change every few days to go crazy at Taco Bell (remember when you could get like a six-pack of tacos for a couple bucks?)

funny thing is, I still don't have a cell but now its by choice ;)
I was 18 - went to college. Kinda sucked. I was diggin' my setup at the time (motorcycle, lotsa friends, time to practice guitar a lot, house with lots of space and some land) and ended up in a tiny apartment in a crappy bigger city where I didn't know anyone. Not the best time of my life, but I just turned to my 4-track and spewed forth my anger.

Although living alone sucked, living with roomates that were messy, brought in their girlfriends to live there, and generally didn't pay any bills that were in my name sucked even more I think.
true but keep in mind this was also 14 years ago ;) I didn't have the money to eat more than once a day and my roomate and I would basically pool together our loose change every few days to go crazy at Taco Bell (remember when you could get like a six-pack of tacos for a couple bucks?)

funny thing is, I still don't have a cell but now its by choice ;)

Haha, damn...that sounds pretty rough dude!

I moved out at 21, right as soon as I got the confirmation for my future apprenticeship, so that the financial side was secure (and I knew WHERE to move). Never looked back, the time I need for cleaning and laundry and stuff I made back threefold by not having to drive 2,5 hours to work and back each day... it's just a short walk now. :)
I moved out at 21, right as soon as I got the confirmation for my future apprenticeship, so that the financial side was secure (and I knew WHERE to move). Never looked back, the time I need for cleaning and laundry and stuff I made back threefold by not having to drive 2,5 hours to work and back each day... it's just a short walk now. :)

Sounds pretty secure! What kind of work do you do? (If you don't mind answering.)

Too bad it's simply impossible to do in Finland until you have a permanent job. The rents are way too high for a student to support himself unless you share the flat with a load of other people (and you might as well not move at all then). But once I get a job (still 1,5 years left of studies, and I'm 25 atm), I'm sure I'll move away - possibly out of Finland altogether, the business world is a total mess at the moment (people being laid off by the thousands and no one is looking for employees). Perhaps Sweden would be a better choice, mostly because their living support is much better than in Finland, so it's less of a hassle to search for a first job, and internet connections are shitload faster and cheaper there :lol: