Damn Christians!
Wow, I moved out @15. Lived with my GF's (at the time) grandparents (who also gave me a job) till 17 and then moved to Texas for a while. Then to mass @19 and back down to FL @21. Point is, I got out my moms house.
Too bad it's simply impossible to do in Finland until you have a permanent job. The rents are way too high for a student to support himself unless you share the flat with a load of other people (and you might as well not move at all then). But once I get a job (still 1,5 years left of studies, and I'm 25 atm), I'm sure I'll move away - possibly out of Finland altogether, the business world is a total mess at the moment (people being laid off by the thousands and no one is looking for employees). Perhaps Sweden would be a better choice, mostly because their living support is much better than in Finland, so it's less of a hassle to search for a first job, and internet connections are shitload faster and cheaper there![]()
Actually the joke is based on a big fuckup by National Geographic a year (or two?) agoAccording to them, the Finnish polar bear population is in danger due to global warming... the only problem is that there haven't been wild polar bears in Finland for thousands of years
[...]I'm going to be moving out soon and that's because living here is borderline hell.
moving on one's own is different now than it was in our parent's generation though.... and even much different than it was for me at 18... because even then i could earn enough to pay rent, food, utilities, etc. and have some left for recreation or to pursue music... even with bullshit jobs. i think it's a lot harder for young people with no special training these days.
ha.. yeah... but ONLY because we live in different homes and only see each other briefly each day... otherwise they would drive me nuts!... and vice versa i'm sure.Thats cool as hell that you get to hang with your family like that ...
ha.. yeah... but ONLY because we live in different homes and only see each other briefly each day... otherwise they would drive me nuts!... and vice versa i'm sure.
Too bad it's simply impossible to do in Finland until you have a permanent job. The rents are way too high for a student to support himself unless you share the flat with a load of other people (and you might as well not move at all then). But once I get a job (still 1,5 years left of studies, and I'm 25 atm), I'm sure I'll move away - possibly out of Finland altogether, the business world is a total mess at the moment (people being laid off by the thousands and no one is looking for employees). Perhaps Sweden would be a better choice, mostly because their living support is much better than in Finland, so it's less of a hassle to search for a first job, and internet connections are shitload faster and cheaper there![]()
ha.. yeah... but ONLY because we live in different homes and only see each other briefly each day... otherwise they would drive me nuts!... and vice versa i'm sure.
well my buddy Jan was telling me how he gets asked some really dumb fuckin questions sometimes in interviews ... seems people that aren't very familiar with Finland think the whole country is like living at the top of Greenland or something so he would respond by saying shit like "its not bad but you have to fight off the polar bears that try to steal your food" or "things are getting better here, we finally have indoor plumbing and now sweden has been sending electricity over to us so we don't have to use oil lamps anymore"![]()
And OT, I'm 22 and still "live" with my parents in that it's my home base whenever I'm not at college, but that means since Fall '05 I've been living on my own with roommates, and since Fall '08 I've had an apartment (so I had to conquer the final challenge of independence, feeding myself; perhaps some remember my "Bachelor Food" thread) Once I graduate this May, I'll definitely live at home for a little while so I can get on my feet with a job and paying off student loans; I love my parents (and Rufus
) dearly and we get along really well, but I think the main issue is I'll probably be working near NYC, which means an hour commute each way; that'll get old REAL fast! (it did this past summer when I did it!
An hour is not bad at all dude (by train??) when you consider how nice the area you live in now is! If you are working close to NYC you will probably be forced to either live in NYC again (shoe box apartments aren't for me!), somewhere in the five boroughs (not too bad, but upstate NY is way better IMO), or somewhere in Jersey which would be the crappiest choice, haha. I would make that commute in a hot minute.
Nah, it got old REAL fast doing it this past summer dude, trust me! Also, Metro North only runs like every 2 fucking hours from the stop nearest my house since it's so far north on the line (there's not even a 3rd rail, it's just diesel engines :Smug: ), so I have to get the 7:19, which sucks assholes (I'll never get used to waking up at 6:30, to say nothing of earlier!). My goal is to live somewhere either in Queens or the Bronx; a place near the city where I can always reliably park my car is all I ask!