leaving parent´s house - your experience

She is a "bad girl"..maybe a bit shy at first, but she´s open minded for some nonsens and stuff :kickass: Of course she mainly expect a nice and romantic time in togetherness with me, but we both looking forward to meet you guys!! This will be killer!!!

Nicccccccce. I love "innocent" chicks...:cool::)

im 20 and still at home and i aint leaving until i buy a honda nsx. mooch off my parents supplies to save money. then when im rich enough ill speed off into the sunset in my nsx...well this is ireland...ill speed off into a rain cloud
I was wondering why you stuck around - tough break dude, but are you making enough scratch that you could save some of it to eventually move back to TN and live off of it until you got on your feet again?

That's kinda my plan, but I'm kinda stuck in some commitments right now (bands and talking dude into buying $2000 worth of computer shit I couldn't move)...

This is what I miss most about home:

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I'm about to turn 21 and I'm still at home. Living here kills me though. I can never play my amps on volume past one for more than a half hour once a week, I can't use my gigantic drumset. I can't record like I want to. I can't afford to rent a place, despite the fact that I work 40 hours a week. I would do just about ANYTHING to have two big empty rooms for a live room and a control room to use when I please.

People are always trying to get us musicians down =(
22 here, still at home. It's so damn expensive to like in the SF bay area, so i'm still at home. At least i like my family. Unfortunately though 22 years with any single person can make you go crazy. It seems to me that it's becoming more and more common for kids to live with their families longer these days.
I hear ya, dude. And I think, you´re damn right. But I will live there alone first, because she wanna stay by her parents for the time she studies. Of course she will be there often, but not solid the next years.

You really could come over, too? That would be great :) Have you roots in U.S ? I ask because of your name.

Well, Dude ... that's another story. Having her as a "guest" is definitly another story :D
I just feel, that living completely alone or with buddies is an important step in your life - and I miss that a bit.

Well, if you're planning to meet in Karlsruhe I'll consider coming over. It's not that far away. And no, I'm german with a 100% german name ;)

That - my friend - was awesome :D
Ja but have you ever been caught? :D

My mom walked right in on me while I was getting a fierce bj when I was like 17. The only positive thing, if there could be ANYTHING good about that situation, was at least my girl's head was under a blanket at that moment :p

Dude, worst than that is getting caught jerking off by your mom hehe That happened to me at age 14, and been caugh with my then-fiance-now-wife doing it by my mom, my father and my sister. She was all " oh my god, your dad saw me naked" , but wtf, everyone fucks :lol:

In regards to the original post, i left home at two years ago when i was around 25. My daughter finally born after i troublesome pregnancy, and we went to live at her parents´for the 18 worst days ever. Then we went to a rented apartment and lived there for 10 months. It was a very hard time, he lost some of her jobs, i lost some clients, money was VERY short and at a time, we didnt even have money to buy bread to eat. Luckly, my father (and to some extent, her´s), helped us at that time. But it was very stressful to pay billl (or not paying it at all..some bills where like 4 months late), and having to do all the house things - cleaning, washing, cooking...

Last september her father " gave " us one of his houses to live, and we´ve been here since then. Things have been better money-wise, but some other things are very tough. For example, my wife just woke me up screaming at me because there´s no water at the house and i should´ve researched the price of a water-pump and some crap that stores water (i dont have a clue how to translate that to english, sorry). So, you can get the picture.

But despite the difficulties, i dont want to ever comeback to my parents´house. You can do whatever you want, fuck on the sofa, on the kitchen sink, organize the house the way you want and not having anyone to bitch about it. Not having to deal with my parents´fights anymore is also a BIG bonus. I just miss my fat white cat, my guitar cab, the wind and the garage. Paying the bills is difficult, but as long as you have some income and is organized and a controlled spender, it becomes easy with time.

btw, our next step is moving out to of brazil. She´s getting her master degree in one and a half year, and then she wants a doctors´s degree overseas. She´s aiming portugal, england or germany. THAT will be TOUGH.
Damn Ivan, sounds like you've been through a lot dude - glad everything is working out now (pretty much), but it must've been pretty uncertain for awhile! But are you saying your Mom, Dad, and sister all caught you screwing at the same time? :lol:
what the hell is it with Parents walking unannounced and without knocking and waiting for permission to enter on their teenage to adult aged children... meaning those 18 and over. holy fuck this just blows my mind. you do not walk into a closed door of an 18+ year old unless you intend to embarrass and be embarrassed. how thoughtless... doesn't matter who "pays the rent"... if you allow another adult to live with you, be it your own child or not, you need to respect their privacy, at least to the extent of NOT walking in on them in their bedroom or the restroom for anything short of a dire emergency.
Dude, worst than that is getting caught jerking off by your mom hehe

I'm a self-proclaimed king of this. Once I was caught jacking off with the flick's volume pretty high (it was in the middle of the night and my parents were sleeping downstairs - or so I thought) completely naked, when my mom rushed into the room with tears in her eyes sobbing that my sister had just given birth to a healthy baby girl.

So there I was, butt naked, my weener in my hand, porn running on the computer, staring baffled at my mom and asking "Huh, which of them was pregnant?"
I'm a self-proclaimed king of this. Once I was caught jacking off with the flick's volume pretty high (it was in the middle of the night and my parents were sleeping downstairs - or so I thought) completely naked, when my mom rushed into the room with tears in her eyes sobbing that my sister had just given birth to a healthy baby girl.

So there I was, butt naked, my weener in my hand, porn running on the computer, staring baffled at my mom and asking "Huh, which of them was pregnant?"

HAHA jeezus


I've got a pretty good "walking in on" story too: I was like 15 in high school, and I was attempting to do homework in the evening of a school night, but just couldn't banish impure thoughts from my head, so I figured a good fap-fest would get me back on track. So I pulled up some MPEG or another and commenced, but unbeknownst to me, a friend of mine called the house phone, and my Mom answered and came to get me to let me know. So she knocks and then barges in, and I'm like "No no no, not now, go away!!" and she's still holding the phone with my friend on the line. So the next day in school, he was like "hey asshole, how come you didn't wanna talk to me last night? I heard you saying 'no no no, not now!'" :lol:
I actually have never been caught once, I'm a veritable fapninja.

On the subject of moving out, I want out of my parents house soon, living in the countryside has to be the most boring thing ever.
Öwen;8122444 said:
I actually have never been caught once, I'm a veritable fapninja.

On the subject of moving out, I want out of my parents house soon, living in the countryside has to be the most boring thing ever.

I thought so, too, when I lived with my parents. I visited them a couple of weeks ago, and when I went out for a smoke in the night, the complete, utter fucking silence absolutely blew my mind. There's no way I'd spend the rest of my life living in a city, the back-o-beyond offers such peace you just can't find even in a small city.
I thought so, too, when I lived with my parents. I visited them a couple of weeks ago, and when I went out for a smoke in the night, the complete, utter fucking silence absolutely blew my mind. There's no way I'd spend the rest of my life living in a city, the back-o-beyond offers such peace you just can't find even in a small city.

so true!
I moved out when I was 21 and don't plan on moving back. Don't get me wrong I love my foster parents a ton, but I enjoy having my own house and well I am engaged so that has a lot to do with it also.
Damn Ivan, sounds like you've been through a lot dude - glad everything is working out now (pretty much), but it must've been pretty uncertain for awhile! But are you saying your Mom, Dad, and sister all caught you screwing at the same time? :lol:

A lot is really not enough :lol: My whole life turned in a week when all this started. My band broke up, my then-fiance-now-wife wanted to broke up with me and told it to everyone of my friends at her blog, and a couple of days later we discovered she was pregnant. I could write a book from the moment all this happened through today...the worst part was not really the money, but how my head handled everything. I can say i am not a happy guy at all but i am hopeful this will change someday. The thing i miss the most is how we were before everything happened, but let me stop, or ill start the gay complain fest.

BUT i need to say i´d never come back to my parents´. If my wife leave some day (and i wish not!), i will find a place to leave alone with my gear, my fat white cat and my car.

Marcus, no, actually each one saw we screwing one at a time. My sister (which was like 10 years old at the time) didnt even really see us. We were doing it with all the rage we had and then she opened the door asking me to help her on some stupid high school lesson. THANK GOD my drumkit was blocking the path from her eyes to both of us naked ehhehe

When my mother caught me jerking of, i was like 14. I had insomnia, and it was like 4am in the morning - i had basketball practice at 8am ehhehe I took all my playboy mags, left all of them on my bedroom wide open and started. Forgot to say, i left the bedroom door wide open. Like 40mins later, i hear a ´huumrummmm´ and some footsteps. It was my mom. I was so embarassed i threw everything below my bed (of course i ´ended´ what i was doing first eheh) and turned of the light faking i was sleeping. The thing is, a couple of days i had this pain on my left nut, so she took me to the doctor. She asked to talk to him privately first, and when i went to the room, he asked me how many times a day i jerked off ehheeh Of course i said ´one, sometimes...´, which was not true at all :lol::lol::lol::lol: