Just to make things a little easier to understand, I consider the house where me and most of my family (in the broader sense of the word) were born and lived the only real home I have. Everything else is just a temporary place to live to me, as I intend to move back into that house when the time comes. My roots are very important to me, see?
I've moved out of my home twice. First time was when I was 16 and finished comprehensive school. I went to a vocational school some 600km from my home, as my sister lived in there (and that happened to be the area where my mom is from). After about three months I dropped out of school as it just wasn't my thing. I would've stayed there as there was some open jobs I could've applied to, but my mom wanted me to move back home...

So I did. And after few months of doing nothing, I applied to a local sixth form college.
Second time I moved away from home, I was about 21. I finished my sixth form college (college preparatory high school in the US?) and started in an university of applied sciences. After the first year I decided I wanted to live on my own and found a place that was affordable but nice enough to live in.
The good part: rent was under 200/month.
The bad part: school was over 30km away and there was no public transportation so I had to use my own car, which ate pretty much all the money left after paying the rent. Luckily I had a classmate who was generous enough to give me a ride since he lived even further away than me and had to drive through the town in any case.
I could've moved closer to the school, but that would've left me with even less money per month.
After I dropped out of that school too

p) I worked some short time jobs that paid my rent for a couple of years and then landed the job I have now. I lived in the last apartment for a few years and after I got a permanent job I moved again to save money commuting, as the distance was 47km one way, and after rent and all other obligatory expenses I could barely live on the money that was left.
Now I live just a few km from work, pay less than 1.5 times the money for the residence than in the last place and can afford some little luxuries in my life and still save some of the money. All in all, it's good to be independent.
Although sometimes it sucks with the distance to home (60km) when having the urge to get some real food to eat and sit on to a ready table.
And just something to think about: my brother still lives at home with our parents and he turned 40 last month... Although he did a few year stint on his own in his mid 20s... And he's had the same job for about the last 20 years...
Wow, what a novel! :zombie: