New Metal Member
I like cathedral better, heaps better. But candlemass is cool. I just prefer my doom to have a doomy sounding vox. NAd cathedral has that.
As a matter of fact, see if you can DL the song FROZEN RAPTURE. Dude, it is the peak of DOOM. Its the stuff. Its slow, and drug out. BUt listen very close to the back ground sounds. Weird creepy organ type stuff, creepy little guitar lines, and teh way LEE says certain words......dude, its great. He totally changes the way he is singing for ONE word, for example..........." drips down to the C OOOOOLLLLDDDD floors of responsivness" HE really makes you think he is agony at times.
As a matter of fact, see if you can DL the song FROZEN RAPTURE. Dude, it is the peak of DOOM. Its the stuff. Its slow, and drug out. BUt listen very close to the back ground sounds. Weird creepy organ type stuff, creepy little guitar lines, and teh way LEE says certain words......dude, its great. He totally changes the way he is singing for ONE word, for example..........." drips down to the C OOOOOLLLLDDDD floors of responsivness" HE really makes you think he is agony at times.