LEE JACKSON GP-1000 88 replica for sale

And that seems even better. The transistors are outdated for a long time, but it is still possible to buy them for few bucks. The rest of the parts are available and (mostly) cheap as dirt.

If you could get better picture of the transformer label, I could probably make a rough estimate of the parts cost. For now it sits around 250 for most electronic parts, but can go a bit up mainly because of the transformer.

If the label is hard to photograph and you don't want to carefully pull it off the transformer or remove front panel, try to use a small mirror or something like that. I need mainly the left part of "-100-120VAC @ 50 Hertz" line.. there should be something about output voltages, maybe even about wire colors.
The story around the SP-1000 is that it was just Lee Jackson's bench amp for testing his GP-1000 before shipping them off to stores or customers. It's accoringly just made of spare parts for his GP-1000 and M-1000 amps plus transformers and stuff that was laying around.

I believe the SP-1000 cost around 800 new. So expect around 250-300 in parts alone.

I'll give my amp a new go with the camera tomorrow. And I'll get those numbers for you.
If Rune is going to buy one of your replicas and give some good feedback, I will buy one too! You did a really nice work there and if you really do personal modifikations, I don't see a reason why not buying one.

Also Rune, you have a shitload of equipment, all of Alexis old stuff and so but I never heard anything from you. I follow your postings for a long time with big interest because it seems you'Re a pro considering electronics, amps, guitars and stuff but it never comes in my mind that you maybe also a good guitarist (maybe better than me ;p ) so would you be so kind and record something for us?
Wow, this is taking an interessting shape here. I'd buy one too, based on the sound and the (so far) good feedback.
Slovakias currency was euro, wasn't it?
If Rune is going to buy one of your replicas and give some good feedback, I will buy one too! You did a really nice work there and if you really do personal modifikations, I don't see a reason why not buying one.

Also Rune, you have a shitload of equipment, all of Alexis old stuff and so but I never heard anything from you. I follow your postings for a long time with big interest because it seems you'Re a pro considering electronics, amps, guitars and stuff but it never comes in my mind that you maybe also a good guitarist (maybe better than me ;p ) so would you be so kind and record something for us?

Haha not all of his old equipment, but I do got a shitload of guitar stuff, bodom or not, my equipment list would be as large as one of joonas's posts xP (can post a list in the guitar thread). haha! You and mitch are the guitar gods of bodom covering, I'm sure I'm not as good, but I mainly just play guitar as a hobby nowadays. Got a wife and two kids to keep me occupied. (maybe I'm one of the oldest regulars here).
Even if I have all these great guitars and amps, I do lack quality recording equipment, cause like I said, I mostly play by myself and for my own satisfaction (maybe why I am so "perfect sound" obsessed.) I got a roland quad capture last week althought, but need a good DAW for macpro and a quality mic. Also need some videocamera, only got my chellphone and webcam and would be a nightmare to record and sync those. Got some line 6 equipment thought, but would still be without video. I'll see what I can do when I got the time.

And sorry for putting this one a little off topic. :-P
Wish someone would do the old RSP 2400 unit, f*****g hard to get, and one of the best enhancers out there
What are you using for the power transformer? I had hopes of making a clone for myself but couldn't find anything similar to what is inside the GP1000.
@JonWormwood, if I remember correctly, yes. I have started to compare values in schematics to color code on pictures and so far it seems they are spot on. Only thing bothering me is C6 (master output 1 capacitor), from the picture it looks more like 220n, but the schematics says 2u2.

Do you think there are serious errors in part values? If yes, maybe Rune would be so kind to take some better pics of his GP1000 to check once again.

@Ben Johnson - standard 300V + 6.3V 50VA and the voltages are spot on. It is not hard to find toroidal transformer like that. It is not very important how you power it (you could even use a switched power supply, but with loads of filtering on secondary side), you just have to get to 420-430 volts after rectification and filtering.

Also, I have just returned from recording. Later tonight I'll try to upload recorded files somewhere. We used settings as Fastbodom specified and recorded on H&K Attax Tour Reverb combo using regular input jack and FX loop return too. The loop return gave a sound with less treble. I've checked it with PC audio output and an MP3 file played through the FX return was lacking some treble too. Also happened with another H&K combo. Then we tested it with some poweramp, it sounded like the treble level was higher, but not as high as when played through combo input jack. (I suppose it is not a bug, but a feature.. right?) Anyway, you'll see when I upload the files.

edit: Rune, get me pics of the RSP 4200's guts and you know the rest of the story :D
Sounds close to original but really shiitty on highs.
You can give all info to us:
Just record your replica directly in soundcard without any eq or IR.
And then everybody can download it and use his favorite IR`s (maybe comapre with something) and it will be really true.
Demos wich you give is uninformational shit. sorry.
Finally, the recorded files. All have been played via H&K Attax Tour Reverb, recorded with microphone. The 'FX loop return' files are without any sound processing inside the combo. Later we'll try to record the sound from preamp output too.

Bed of razors - recorded via FX loop return

Downfall - recorded via FX loop return

Bed of razors - recorded via combo input

Downfall - recorded via combo input
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Sounds better than the previous clips, althought he is struggeling a little with the playing at some parts, pulls it through fine I guess.
Really want a Power-amp test and keep it to something even simpler than whole songs would be great.

BTW. I'll check if there is a way to open the bottom of the SP-1000 tonight.
That would be pretty thin and lifeless, but we could compare the amp to the original easier when there is no additional parameter.
Right. It will shows what it's made from. Nothing but GP1000. Trully sound.
And more - technicly you can put those dry sounds (wich will be made i hope by author) to your amp and hear what it sounds like in your amp :wave:
Samples are close to orig. but there is a lot of mud in sound and obscured hights.
The muddy highs could very well com from the power.stage from the h&k amp, but also from the emg alx.
That's true, sorry. We are waiting for another recording session (should happen today or tomorrow), as requested. RR480 will record directly from preamp output.

Also, there is quite a lot of parts on the way for another prototype (now with 100% more finished product look :D ), but the postal service is amazingly slow. Hopefully everything will arrive before christmas, but I can't count on that.