Left-handed guitar players...


The Fool next door
Feb 14, 2002
Hong Kong
I am wondering, is a naturally left-handed person at a disadvantage if they play on a normal right-handed guitar? Especially concerning speed and flow. I was looking into buying and left-handed guitar but it was rather expensive.

Thanks! :p
Reverse the strings on a normal guitar and you have a left-handed guitar... Just like Kurt Cobain :loco:

Anyway, you're not at a disadvantage.
I play bass guitar and acoustic 6-strings... And I'm learning pretty quick.
I am left handed and play electric guitar right-handedly and it works pretty well - any experienced person that I've spoken to says it is better that way, my teacher has turned other left handed players round to right handed guitars because it wasn't working for them - besided if you're left handed and play right handed guitars your most dextrous hand (left) is doing the most difficult bit (fretting), meaning you should be able to play faster and better. Kurt Cobain and Gary Moore are the only examples I can think of off hand though. There is something cool about left handed guitar pleyers - Toni Ionni (whatever he's called), Hendrix, etc, but you'll still be left handed even if you opt to play right handedly! Tha's what I think anyway.
After a while you can get used to it.. I tried a playing lefty once for the hell of t and It wasn't hat hard (although I'm not great at guitar)

i think leftys are at an advantage when playing right handed guitars. after all, the left hand does the fretting, which is much more intricate than the right hand picking patterns. honestly, i don't understand the existence of left handed guitars at all. you don't see left handed violins, and there is actually a disadvantage to bowing with the right hand if you are left handed.