Legalise sex at 12 years of age !


The Truth Seeker
Mar 14, 2003
Planet Earth
Ok people.

The UK is considered liberal (by US standards) but there is an MP in the UK who is suggesting that the UK should reduce the consentual age of sex from 16 to 12. Now, I think this is 'morally wrong' because of the alarming rate of paedophiliacs that are coming out of the woodwork. Surely, this will give them the free reign to carry on their abuse?

Canada have a brilliant plan in place: The age of consent is 16 but if the 'child' has sex with someone 4 years above or below, the courts don't prosecute the youngsters because they are having sex with others in their relative age groups.

So what do you guys think about this 'plan' that they want to introduce in the UK?
It sounds like a perv's paradise.

Does that mean a 40yr old can get it on with a 12yr old? What about Statatory Rape charges etc.?

Maybe that MP is a sick perv, and just wants to legalize it for himself, just in case he gets caught!?!
I could have gone for some 'tang at 12 years old, but 12 year olds have no business whatsoever having sex. People will bang when they want to, but the legal possibilities for pedophiles is frightening.

I like my mom's idea: inject every broad with Norplant (5-year birth control thing) on their 14th birthday.
A 12 year old is still just a child. I didn't realize Canada maintained that '4 year' law - so that makes it ok for a 16 year old boy to shaft a 12 year old girl?

Gross - no way will that get passed in the UK. He sounds like an old fart. You always get the oddball MP in the UK that has some serious history of mental illness and likes to wear ladies underwear. This is the same country that had Judge Pickles telling rape victims that girls who wore short skirts were simply asking for it.

I'm so glad that we're on the verge of a generation's extinction. That heatwave in Europe last Summer did wonders to speed things up. Way too many old people on this planet.
You see, this is the problem with us Brits. We are so very good at coming up with these immediate plans without thinking about any form consquences.

The scenario that you mention, Weapon X, is dealt perfectly under the Canadian System, They know that youngsters are having sex so instead of criminalising the act of those the law actually allows them to have sex. But if a 40 year old got in the mix then the law steps in because that person is above the 4 year threshold.

NAD said:
I like my mom's idea: inject every broad with Norplant (5-year birth control thing) on their 14th birthday.
Very funny ! :) It would definitely solve the unwanted pregnancies.
I totally agree that it is awful. Of course the system we have in the UK should remain at 16, absolutely no way change it. The moronic person who suggested this was a woman MP !! For the life of me I can't remember her name.
Jaykeeley said:
12 year old girls Sorath, not goats.
Bloody hell that's a crime in itself !

I suppose he makes love to them on top of a cliff . Place their hind legs in his boots to stop them from flying off while he gives them a quick pummelling :)

(Very Sick Joke I know)
By the way, if the age of consent is lowered to 12, does that mean seeing naked pictures of 12 year old kids would no longer be considered as paedophilia? Could 12 year olds go into porn?

I mean, it would be hypocritical otherwise right? So you could shag a 12 year old, but not look at their naked pictures?
Goats, girls, what's the differece?
The cock's only got onw eye and he's blind on that one.

You'll probably have a higher level of intellectual exchange while conversing with a goat, too.

Can't wait to be bashed in your replies :)
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Why not China or Vietnam, there you wont even have to worry about standardized laws concerning consensual sex age.


Those girls are unworthy of my shining white aryan fleshspear of pleasure.
JayKeeley said:
By the way, if the age of consent is lowered to 12, does that mean seeing naked pictures of 12 year old kids would no longer be considered as paedophilia? Could 12 year olds go into porn?

I mean, it would be hypocritical otherwise right? So you could shag a 12 year old, but not look at their naked pictures?
You still gotta be 18 to participate in porn even if the age of consent is 16 or 15 or something. That wouldn't change I'd imagine.
Funny you guys mention we know the UK has the highest level of teenage pregnancies in Europe...and I live in the city that has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies in the UK! :p And I tell you what, the girls round here are fucking LOOSE! When I was growing up I had to hear all these bitches whining about men using them, how they were tools for men etc etc...even back then, I'd notice that the girls that whined were the same girls who spent two hours a day tarting themselves up to go out (and I got a few stories to tell about them :)). Right now me and a few mates have just managed to rid ourselves of a pair of 13-year old girls who DEFINE slut to a tee...always funny how just when you thought you'd heard everything, something pops up that leaves you breathless.

Lowering the age of consent to 12 sounds fine by me, because let's face it, the girls are going to get laid within two years of that and that's being very generous. There's only two girls I know who I can say for certain are virgins, and one of 'em only turned 13 a month ago. Didn't Sigmund Frued say that subconsciously all girls wanted to be raped? I find it amusing that JK said:

This is the same country that had Judge Pickles telling rape victims that girls who wore short skirts were simply asking for it.
because, really, they are. Little girls are trying to play big boys games and if they complain about their integrity getting ruined, then it ain't nobody's fault but theirs. And if the little girls insist on wearing short skirts and no bra round the rough end of town, then they really should know there's a high chance of them getting raped and all they need to round things off is a big neon sign that says RAPE ME I'M A SLUT.

As I side note, I'd like to add a pearl of wisdom that one of my mates once told me: "If they can bleed, they can breed". 'nuff said.