the sad part is that now she thinks I only wanted to sleep with her :erk:

But to summarize the conversation:

-(me) So you're basically telling me that in order to sleep with you, I would have to wait that you move in Quebec, which is not sure at all, and that after spending enough years together, let's say 4 to 5, I would have to marry you and then I can have sex with you, and between now and the moment you get here I have to remain single and wait for you?

-(girl) yes

-Good luck in the future

Seriously, it's asking a lot when you don't even know if you'll spend the rest of your life with that girl
edit: the big problem is that there are too many unknowns which makes this relation impossible
AsModEe said:
the sad part is that now she thinks I only wanted to sleep with her :erk:

But to summarize the conversation:

-(me) So you're basically telling me that in order to sleep with you, I would have to wait that you move in Quebec, which is not sure at all, and that after spending enough years together, let's say 4 to 5, I would have to marry you and then I can have sex with you, and between now and the moment you get here I have to remain single and wait for you?

-(girl) yes

-Good luck in the future

Seriously, it's asking a lot when you don't even know if you'll spend the rest of your life with that girl
edit: the big problem is that there are too many unknowns which makes this relation impossible
No seriously just fuckin forget it, there are a few billion other girls out there and this is coming from ME of all people
Yeah true. She'll pass the next few weeks just next to where I live though, that'll make things interesting :tickled:
dude, youre too young for that kind of relationship. *she* is *definitely* too young. you just need to have fun, chill, and date around.
As I said, bang a few dozen women then go for the dryspell. By then she'll have turned out like most christians end up, a regular slut who wants to crank out the babies. And have one child for ever character in the bible.
dorian gray said:
dude, youre too young for that kind of relationship. *she* is *definitely* too young. you just need to have fun, chill, and date around.
true, that's one of the reason why I flipped out so much.
lol @ some of the perspectives/philosophies here on RC.
apparently it's brilliantly cool to have multiple sex partners outside of a committed relationship. and those who choose to do things responsibly are idiots
AsModEe said:
true, that's one of the reason why I flipped out so much.
why did you flip out? i dont get it.
you flipped out because she wouldnt have sex with you?
no no, because of all the engagement stuff.

ahah I just noticed i forgot to talk about the recent development
at age 20, you dont need to be getting engaged. you dont even need to be dating 18 year olds. for gods sake.
I agree, people should get a little experience in life before throwing themselves into matters as serious as this.
cant you be friends with this chick still? not that i recommend it, but why not?
yes I told her I still wanted to be friends and she agreed. It's not that serious you know, because we were only at the "beginning" of a relation. We were mostly speculating about our views of life and stuff, and I noticed we were black and white and that we wouldn't make a fine couple.