"LEGEND" movie ('85)?


Mar 28, 2006
Can anyone help... or input??

Never seen this movie (dir. by Ridley Scott) , but have recently seen clips on Youtube-see; (Legend-lily & the unicorns-etc.).

Either i've missed the connection on this one completely...or have too much time on my hands & discovered the movie that possibly Mel. Beast & Bone Carver are derived from?:err:

In no way am i takin away from Michaels / Pyramazes creative writing material & maybe thier CDs have nothing to do with this movie?
Just an observation.:)

Note: Personally i am not into "fairy tales" nor do i link fairy tales to Pyramazes music...for it is much to heavy of course!

AFAIK, the only Pyramaze song based on this movie is Legend. You should check out the movie...even if you don't like "fairy tales", it's visually very cool...at least from what I remember, been a while ;) Oh, and it's got that hot chick from Ferris Bueller's Day Off :D

Can anyone help... or input??

Never seen this movie (dir. by Ridley Scott) , but have recently seen clips on Youtube-see; (Legend-lily & the unicorns-etc.).

Either i've missed the connection on this one completely...or have too much time on my hands & discovered the movie that possibly Mel. Beast & Bone Carver are derived from?:err:

In no way am i takin away from Michaels / Pyramazes creative writing material & maybe thier CDs have nothing to do with this movie?
Just an observation.:)

Note: Personally i am not into "fairy tales" nor do i link fairy tales to Pyramazes music...for it is much to heavy of course!


Iced Dog is right. Only the song Legend from Melancholy Beast is based on the movie 'Legend'. (The name gives it away) :lol: Other than that none of my songs are related to that movie at all. Great movie - so great that it inspired me to write a song about it.

Cool stuff...thanks guys for the info.

The movie visually-does look very cool!

The view i saw of the forest setting (movie clip) definitely reminded me of both CD covers.Could easily picture the Mel. Beast just sitting there.
This visual along with the obvious "Legend" title sparked my interest in the first place.

I did not know the hot chick from "Ferris Beuller" was in "Legend".
hmmm...a stroll in the forest or a day off from school w/ her...not a bad idea.

Pyramaze...epic stories + powerful music would = killer videos!

I've mentioned seriously to Michael in the past that both cds / stories ( more so Bone Carver ) would lend itself to a great script for a movie.Ya never know?

lol, i had to; i have no idea how lance could get that high without cracking (his headvoice and falsetto is ridiculous); thats probably one of my favorite songs on melancholy beast.
I must see this movie.

I would joint that netfix thing if I wasn't poor at the moment. Is it popular enough to be in any dvd stores?
Yeh, thats the demon from "Legend"
Or atleast his head. I have a t-shirt with that demon on it and its a band "unsung zeros" I use to listen to some bad music. Forgive me.
BUT the shirt is awesome.