Lego goes Viking

Well, I am ancient, so I buy the stuff and say it's for my kids. "They" have a set like that, and one that Megablocks makes, with a big dragonboat that shoots flames (fake ones that light up when you stick a sword into this thingy) and shit. I have to admit though, I knew it was Love when my boyfriend and I merged our large LEGO collegctions into one box. (We've been married for 11 years now.) He bought me that really expesive dragonboat set last year, cuz he knows I'd rather have a dragonboat than jewellry. That's Norse! This post isn't, cuz it's sappy, and I don't do sappy so I'll just shut up now.
Yeah, I just had a conversation about that the other day - we used to be able to play in the snow and the rain and tear around on our bikes from dawn till after dark and all that, and I was thinking that my kids' generation can't, because these days, as a parent, you have to stand guard over your kids at all times. At least we do here. If the kids play outside, you had better be out there watching them. Parents don't like stading outside in the rain and snow, so the kids don't play in the rain and snow. Hence, Playstation and LEGO. I take my kids viking in the rain and snow, though, but then again, we're not normal...
Viking Legos kick ass. Mega Blocks has been doing Viking like stuff for several years now and has a whole line of different Viking and Orc races. Their pretty good but could never be as great as lego.
i grew up with the best of both worlds... roaming the woods and playing with lego...
i must admit... lego is just not the same as the set i had...
lego castle... has "castle wall" pieces... what the hell is that??? how hard is it to build a castle wall with the basic pieces???