Viking related movies

"The Vikings" starring Kirk Douglas
I was about to post that. That movie was pretty good.
There was this really shitty one with Antonio Banderas. I remember Johan joked about it. He said they wanted to cast him in the movie but he didn't want to be in such shit hahahaha.

I've seen a few other Viking movies, but I forget the names of them. It's not worth seeing anyways, besides that many of them suck, it's very inaccurate and makes the Vikings look like stupid barbarians in hats, which they never even wore.
Yeah, the Banderas movie was 13th warrior. The book is much better, not to mention the original texts that they've combined into the one movie script - i.e. Ibn Fahadlan's original manuscript (the Ristula) and Beowulf. There are many renditions of Beowulf, including a horrid one from 2003.Beowulf and Grendel seems to be popular with most movie buffs. I felt it did not do such a great work justice, but to do that, you'd have to do a trilogy like LOTR. Either way, it's not an awful rendition, and I didn't cry when I watched it. There's another version coming out soon, with Everybody-and-his-neighbour's-dog in it, including Anthony Hopkins. I'm going to have to see that!
The Raven Flies got re-named Revenge of the Barbarians when it got English subtitles. I can recommend that movie.
I know there are others, but I can't think of any right now. I'll ask my friend. He's got a viking movie collection...
I try to avoid most Viking related movies. I don't claim to really know too much about the history, unfortunately, but I know enough to be able to tell when it is historically inaccurate.
Even that twat, Rob Darken, could make a better Norse related movie than most of the ones I've seen.

There was a comedy one that actually delivered a couple of laughs here and there, which made up for how crappy it was. I forget the name of that one, but it's something The Viking or something like that.
yeah Erik the viking. its supposed to take place during ragnarok. i don't really like english humor, Monty Python aren't my "cup of tea". and its very innacurate but its a comedy so they didn't really try.

13th Warrior is "ok".
Beowulf and Grendel sucked major ass in my opinion. i thought it was pretty kitch and that stupid "witch" with an american accent is totally out of place.
I haven't seen the "Beowulf" movie and i don't want to see it.

I'm sure i've seen other movies with vikings in them, but i can't think of any other now. But of those i've seen, 13th warrior was the least bad.
I gotta see the ravens fly though.
Accurate movies are a rare thing. Nearly all are biased in one way or another, or just flat out full of mistakes.

I like The 13th Warrior, but as an ignorant American, I don't know real Viking culture enough to know where the mistakes are. I just like the shiny weapons.
well 13th warrior is one a my favs even if its not entirely accurate the story is cool and it has some good fight scenes. beowulf and grendel was ok the ending sucked. i wana see the new one coming out looks like it should be pretty good. im bankin on mel gibson doin a movie about the vikings i just saw apocolypto or however its spelled and i think he could do a hell of a job.
Conan the barbarian!!! not really a viking movie. but still awesome. but yeah 13 warrior is good, except for antonio banderras. the book eaters of the dead is better.
I was about to post that. That movie was pretty good.
There was this really shitty one with Antonio Banderas. I remember Johan joked about it. He said they wanted to cast him in the movie but he didn't want to be in such shit hahahaha.

I've seen a few other Viking movies, but I forget the names of them. It's not worth seeing anyways, besides that many of them suck, it's very inaccurate and makes the Vikings look like stupid barbarians in hats, which they never even wore.
I did not care for the Kirk Douglas one at all, its very very innaccurate. the antonio banderas one is the 13th warrior and its horrible, i couldnt even finish it
Accurate movies are a rare thing. Nearly all are biased in one way or another, or just flat out full of mistakes.

I like The 13th Warrior, but as an ignorant American, I don't know real Viking culture enough to know where the mistakes are. I just like the shiny weapons.
Haha, same here. It might not be accurate but I really enjoyed it. Viking culture & history is a horribly under-studied thing, especially in North America, and even the most well-recorded history gets butchered for the sake of making a film so I'm not too surprised. For further proof, watch Kingdom of Heaven... ahaha.

Buliwyf is still totally fucking badass, though.
There is a Russian - Norwegian movie "And the trees are growing on the stones", a pretty cool one. It was filmed in 1985. I hope it's translated into English so you can see it.

I remember on the old AA site it was written that Icelandic "The flight of the raven" and "The shadow of a raven" are worth seeing.
I watched beowulf and grendel last night. I liked it. mainly just because trolls kick ass, they could have done a much better job though.
I saw a trailor for Pathfinder, about a viking kid whos left with a tribe of native americans. Not sure about historical accuracy but I do like how it shows how the vikings were in north america before any other european explorers
There was an Indie film called Beowulf & Grendel filmed in 2006 that was pretty good. The movie was filmed in Iceland, and the Icelandic government loaned them a real viking ship from their museum to sail for the movie. It was a little leaky, so they had to keep the bilge pumps going, but it looked great.

Stellan Skarsgard was awesome as the brooding King Hrothgar. They put a lot of historical research into the movie, so everything was fairly accurate - even a believable presentation of non-human sentient beings, such as trolls and giants.
