Viking related movies

I saw a trailor for Pathfinder, about a viking kid whos left with a tribe of native americans. Not sure about historical accuracy but I do like how it shows how the vikings were in north america before any other european explorers


I'm going to see it, because it looks as if it will have some badass fighting scenes, plus, the Vikings look absolutely awsome. However, I can already tell it has little historical accuracy...Any movie info that says, and I quote, "During the time that the vikings were TRYING TO CONQUOR NORTH AMERICA.." Bullshit. They discovered it, some expeditions where made. They never tried to fucking conquor it. There was nothing of worth. And it shows Vikings killing innocent, peaceful indians, and enslaving them, and of course, doing all the things that the Evil White Man is notorious for having done throughout history..(not my sarcasm)...It just kind of looks like a Hollywood morality crapfest. Also, I know it's based loosely off of a European version. Except the european (i believe its Norwegian or Icelandic) didnt make the Vikings look like mindless barbarians like Pathfinder very clearly seems to...from the trailers.

And it shows Vikings killing innocent, peaceful indians, and enslaving them, and of course, doing all the things that the Evil White Man is notorious for having done throughout history..(not my sarcasm)

If i'm not mistaken, the first thing the vikings did upon encountering american indians was kill them, but only to make sure they could be killed. they were called the skraelings, after all.
There was Ring of the Nibelungs which I only saw because I like watching Kristanna Loken. The titel should tell you it's more Germanic then Viking. The movie just has too many slow panning close-ups of Benno Fürmann's face. Well, that and his accent is ridiculous.
one that hasnt been mentioned is "king arthur" which features the saxons cousins of the vikings. unfortunately its pg13 and has some suspect acting but there is "some" historical fact to the movie. its not a masterpiece but one thing i like about it is that it talks about an extremely turbulent time in history following the fall of rome. many events at that time shaped the world today if your a history junkie you may wana check it out.
I'm looking forward to see pathfinder...looks quite good.

in my opinion that film has to be seen in to different ways:- 1st way - it is a totally commercial, misleading story film; 2nd way - the so called "vikings" in the film are not vikings at all... they are Hordes of Chaos.

All this makes the film suck a bit.. coz i couldn't see the real vikings in the film at any time.
Until we rallied up and took over the world. And then gave it back.

I just watched Grendel on SciFi...NOT GOOD AT ALL.

I wrote a review for it on couldn't even write coherently because I was so pissed off at the travesty that was made with that piece.