All Art Thread!

Ewgl'rlua ugh'r'hkanh r'ylu Flying Spaghetti Monster k'rkh y'lfrngh ph'tangh. Ugh'r'yugha f'nigughr Ithaqua, k'lryea g'nugha hngl'wi'ng, hfir'gnua shluggr'ya ungh'lyeh k'reh y'gr ftenhg!
A more easy one, done in one hour...
Well Well, Decided to drop by and say hello on your thread my friend to notify you of my arrival :)
I can't wait so see your work in progress up here... But patience I suppose :p
I ended up turning some random guy my friend knows into abraham lincoln - I'll post both pics when I get home.

Gotta love photoshop
I ended up turning some random guy my friend knows into abraham lincoln - I'll post both pics when I get home.

Gotta love photoshop
Boring time, so I draw one of my favorite actors... Seen in Equilibrium :> I guess it would be better to scan it next time, its a photograph...

Something new for you :>
Hope you enjoy. I'm searching for an Idea for an Artwork especially for AA.
I thought about something like that: Hunin ans Munin, the two ravens flying against each other, and there wings ending in Yigdrassil. In the middl of Yigdrassil is a view on a northern country and in the middel is a vikin, standing lookink towards the see, waiting for his brothers coming by some ships.
Might be much work, but I'll try. Maybe the guys like it, than I'll hand it over to them when they have a concert nearby...

So, to the other drawings:
No, I don't.
It's a bit beacause of the comic stile I used. The Night Elves also have those tupid ears (sorry^^).
Maybe the colours also make you think that it's a nightelve.#

Greetz Selurian :)
Wow! I was just searching for such a thread :p I'm just hardly have some inspiration and motivation to draw. This thread is sent by the Gods :worship:
I'm only drawing about 2 pictures a year and almost their made in school :oops: But I love arts and sculpting. Here's one excample. I made this last autumn - also in school :headbang:

Waldgeist (eng. spirit of the forest)
Actually it was more about the tattoos in her face and her shape hehe i know their ears are ridiculous :p
the detail of the feathers is awesome :D

That really is a nice drawing Aurvandils ta, makes me think a little of the trees of this artist i spotted a few years ago. Although yours breath a little more then hers, its great :)

Show some more! :D
Hmm, I use different colors for my artwork...

Ich kanns dir gerade schnell so sagen, ich komme ja auch aus Deutschland ;-)

- Bleistift
- sehr feine Artliner
- Buntstift
- Copic-Marker
- Acryl
- Pastell
- Kohle
- Graphit

Im Grunde benutze ich eine Mnege verschiedener Materialien, es kommt auf das Bild an. An Acryl solltest du dich langsam herantasten, macht aber Spass.
Ansonsten einfach ausprobieren, ich habe auch nie nen Kurs besucht :) Ist doch schon super, was du machst :)
personally for that kind of drawing i would use watercolor. i use acrilyc for stronger canevas like coton or linen or like you, metal for th miniature characters. or china ink.
lol thats great! this drawing have potential, but theres a problem with the proportion. the upper body is perfect - the head looks a little weird but maybe its just because the eyes arent defined enough (in a face, eyes are the most important part, but you surely already know that)- its the thighs that are missings. they are the longuest bones in the body and all i see here are the milled. the knees are absolutely well done, ive never been able to do such knees lol (i use to escape that part by drawing dress-like cloths). So yeah, the main problem is the lenght of the hip versus the knees. Its good that part you can work on easily, its not like if it was the heavy detailed part of the upper body ;) nice mjölnir hehe :D