Wow yeah! those drawing are very great!! do you have any more you can show us???
And i can --
finally-- post here the painting i made for AA. maybe some of you remember me asking all sorts of weird questions in the myhtology thread. well, it paid off!
So, i work a total of 3 months, and waited 4 to finally post it, but more importantly, give it in person to AA, at Graspop. Am i crazy? prolly.
Funy part, sneaking through security into VIP zone TWICE to get to AA and then to finally get to see them have a look at my work.... guyz, its priceless...
So here it is, inspired by Hermod's Ride to Hel - Lokes treachery Part 1 as you might recognize.
full view:
I would like to thank everyone that helped me get the info that i needed to accomplish this painting. But i would like to thank someone in particular, for she did more then help me, she gave me the courage to keep on to the last part of all this. This she is of course no one else then Tyra. I will never thank you enough.
And AA liked it, so i accomplished my biggest goal ^^