Leo Badinella • Beyond Consciousness



I'd like to share with you my new album "Beyond Consciousness".

This album is comprised of songs that were composed over an extensive period of time. In between the different projects that I’ve done, I always make time to write music for guitar. Luckily, with every project I get involved in, I acquire different perspectives from where to look at art, music and life in general - these experiences and viewpoints are then naturally reflected in the music I write, as you will notice and enjoy… I hope!

Also.. I had the awesome Michael Manring play Bass on the track "Ritual".

Check it out!

It's a free download btw :)

it sounds AWESOME, very big tone tone have going there, and you're very talented.

Best of lucks with the album

EDIT: Holly shit man, you're from Chile!! Saludos desde Santiago, alguna tokata donde vayas a tocar dentro de poco?