Les Claypool at House of Blues Anaheim/Disneylandfuck tonight

nope, but if you're into totally crazy shit I definitely recommend seeing him. still probably the best concert I've ever been to... hard to believe that was almost a year ago.

i'm going to trip with some of my new friends at the phil lesh and trey anastasio show on monday- that's guaranteed to RULE!!!
you mean like victorian village or whatever the hells it's called? i looked at buying there a few years ago but changed my mind when i realized it was a huge gay neighborhood. i bought a house in nashville's gayest hood instead.

btw, i received one of the highest compliments from my queer neighbor the other day, "you are SO not gay."
A Claypool addendum to a long buried thread, posted here for no good reason: Finally heard the Crimson cover on Live Frogs (along with the rest of the album). Sure hearing him do the monologue would have been really cool, but the jamming that drives Thela to over double its original length makes up for it. Better than the Floyd covers (though the sax on Pigs is a nice addition.)