let me introduc ece you to drunk gums

There there F_V. Girls may hate you, guys may think you're as queer as a soup sandwich, but you're ok in my book! :tickled:

(I don't fall under either category :ill: )
Gadlor said:
There there F_V. Girls may hate you, guys may think you're as queer as a soup sandwich, but you're ok in my book! :tickled:

(I don't fall under either category :ill: )

that makes sense considering soup sandwhiches are inanimate objects which have no sexual preference...:eek:
A soup sandwich is weird. Cuz it's technically impossible. Thus queer, another meaning of weird. Play on words you doofus :eek:

And i'm surprisingly hair-free for a goat. I do make funny noises when F_V plays with my horn, though. :tickled:
:lol: :lol: :lol: just..wow neal. I dunno what it is, but I can't stop laughing about that. :tickled: