A little community reminder - why i'm a fucking dumbass


sweet bitching
Jan 9, 2002
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Gooooood lord what a fool I am. Last night I had some friends from back home over. Two girls and a guy. One of the girls was hot, so I decided to get drunk and see where it went. In usual Gums fashion, I took it way too far and got so drunk that I couldn't even make it to the computer to type to you guys like I usually do when drunk. I spoke to Gadlor briefly early on in the evening, and he will tell you how bad it was even then.. and then I just kept drinking. It was possibly the most drunk I've ever been.

So then we're sitting on the couch, and my buddy starts fooling around with this other girl, and I start feeling up the hot one. It was good, and we kept it up for a while. After that, I FUCKING FORGET WHAT HAPPENED. I actually have no memory of anything that when on after that. This has never happened to me before. Even when completely trashed, I usually remember everything that went on. Not this time.

My friend tells me that we just got off of the couch and went into my room. I woke up in my bed this morning with her beside me, and she was wearing NO PANTS!! So now I gotta ask her to tell me everything that happened. This is messed up :eek:
Dude, that's fucked up. You go through all that work drinking, you at least diserve to know what happened. If it helps any, I'm gonna take a chance and assume it was really really frickin good. Maybe you can go to one of those doctors that make you remember what you dream about or something. It might work for when you're drunk too. At any rate, you had a lot more fun than I ever have :p
You had more fun than I will ever have in a life time, I'll put 20 bucks down on that bet :tickled:

Pssst, my bet is...................

you did it :eek:
A solid bet, sir. We did indeed do it.
I found out that reason I was so smashed and can't remember things is because I'm taking this stuff that recommends to avoid alcohol. I'm lucky I didn't get hurt

Anyways I'm gonna get hypnotherapy, as froosh suggested, cause even though it was dumb.. it was still sex and I wanna know what I did!! :hotjump:
I bet you put on your socks, cowboy hat, and sunglasses and made sweet love to her to the sounds of Ahnold in the background. "Come with me! if you want to live" :tickled:

I wonder if Ahnold has a palace of love...
Gums said:
A solid bet, sir. We did indeed do it.
I found out that reason I was so smashed and can't remember things is because I'm taking this stuff that recommends to avoid alcohol. I'm lucky I didn't get hurt

Anyways I'm gonna get hypnotherapy, as froosh suggested, cause even though it was dumb.. it was still sex and I wanna know what I did!! :hotjump:
well then you should have sex with her again, and since you dont remember the first time, itll be like the first time again....or something....have sex with her again.
Gums should be our official post judger. He'll hold up little signs like an olympic judge. And he'll wear a hat! like this.
