Let's Get It

yeah I like Let's get it. I was so excited that I pre-ordered the EP on itunes. I'm usually a metal head but Let's Get It got me into pop/rock a little more.
Nope, still can't get into "it". Sounds great, just a tad too auto-tuned and ghey.

its not as bad as the auto tune work in radio country

i was listening to the radio the other day, which was the first time in forever, and the auto tune on the 4 country songs i heard was really really noticeable

to my ears, in comparison, mine is much less noticeable...

it also sounded to me as if the talent had the talent, but the people behind the scenes were really trying to make it perfect on paper

if i get someone who's really nailing stuff, im not touching those spots where they're nailing the shit!

but a lot of you who are having trouble with this tuning stuff need to try recording vocals with auto tune off in the monitoring chain, it will cause singers to sound like shit which in turn causes noticeable edits in the end. because the singer doesnt naturally know how to react to hearing perfect pitch as they are performing unless they've practiced it. in some cases though, it can get you a better performance, in terms of pitch, if the talent understands how to react to what he's hearing (with auto tune on).
Wow, I didn't know country musicians used auto tune. I haven't heard country in a very long time.

So what your saying is auto tune can be used as a tool to get better results in terms of pitch? Say I use it as a guide then turn it off? Or am I way off here?
yeah i did everything on this one
people think i have limits, i really dont
throw me something, i'll make it happen
i can do much more than just "scenecore" bull shit

we used all kinds of shit to make this album possible, and took a really really long time technically
the actual final tracks were put together from "previous versions" over the period of a week, and the vocals were all re-tracked at night
the previous versions were sessions of the same songs, just older recordings, recorded over several studio sessions (probably a month al together)

when it came time to do the real thing, it was a major overhaul

we retracked a lot of things, re-programmed everything, and re-did basically everything we had done
then added more

when we reached the end of the time slot we weren't done, so we rushed to finish late at night while my day sessions continued

then i had to rush the edits and the mix, but we got it done on time (which was the most important thing to the band and the label)

if you want to hear a quick mix by me, listen to this ep

but honestly, these songs just sound the way they are by having everything off and hitting play, i build them that way.

You are the band.

You deserve the money and groupies.
You are the band.

You deserve the money and groupies.


but honestly none of what i do would be possible without the material they wrote, or the creative minds that they contribute to the big picture.

we all play a role.

and trust me, im making more money than they are haha. but one day, they'll surpass me im sure.