Lets go deep into pickup selection Active / Passive


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
So I picked up a Schecter 006 Deluxe for $200 over the weekend. I couldn't pass the deal up based on the single fact that it was equipped with an EMG 81 / 85 combo, and Grover tuners. The pickups alone were worth the price.

So I have had the guitar almost a week and I am struggling with the sound. I understand the Deluxe is a basswood body, but it just sounds stale. I have tried both the 81 and the 85 in the bridge position (woot woot for the little quick swap pickup system!) and different tunings / set ups / string gauges, and I am still struggling to find a sound I really like out of this guitar.

I did try EMG's in the early 90s and I didn't really like them. All my guitars at the time were some form of super strat with a basswood or alder body, and I am beginning to think that the EMG / Basswood combination just doesn't work well together. All of my basswood guitars other then this one have passive dimarzio or duncan pup's and they sound great. Its just something about these EMG's I am really not liking.

The sound I get is just very "dull" i guess is the way to put it. It doesnt feel like I get any dynamics out of them at all. No matter how hard i pick it just always sounds the same. Now that may be typical for the EMG's but I would think there would be at least some sort of dynamics. I have changed out the battery, tried different brands of batteries, and still same thing almost no dynamics.

So my question is:

On a Basswood guitar what is your pickup preference? Passive or Active, and please explain which model and why you like it.
ok... umm as far as i know basswood, is more low middy, but has a bit of build up in the core mids *correct me if im wrong here* so something a little hollowed out would be great/ passive could be good. Something like a Seymour George Lynch Scremin Demon/ Duncan Ivader or even JB in the SD range. DiMarzios spring to mind also, eg: The Tone Zone/ Air Norton maybe even the D-Activator if you're so inclined.
I'd also suggest Maybe trying SD Blackouts. A little more passive feeling. Not sure how it would go with the bass wood. They seem to have more meat than an EMG which may not actually sound good with your guitar.

Hope that helps mate :)
hm, dont have emgs in any basswood guitars here, but never had a problem with em. have you played other guitars with emgs in them and enjoyed?
I'm not really into basswood guitars, but basswood has accentuated mids, and it's general tone is more warm than bright, tho brighter than Mahogany.
I wouldn't say any basswood body can't do chugging modern rythms tones, but it is more a tone for lead guitar and shred, considering those who used basswood bodies the most.
That said, any EMG would not be my first choice for pickups in such a body, but if you haven't been able to pull out a good tone out of a 81/85, the piece of wood you have may just be of inferior sonic quality.
It is worth it to try to put in some good shredder's pickups in there and hear how it sounds like, but you have to keep in mind that the wood itself is as revelant of the tone of your guitar as the pickups are.
The SD Invader have been mentionned, that could be an option I'd consider trying.
It doesnt feel like I get any dynamics out of them at all.
I don't really think that has much to do with the wood at all.

Maybe EMG's aren't just your thing, but yeah, try the 18V mod first.

Which do you dislike less? EMG 81 or 85?
I like the attack of the 85 in the neck, but its still not as dynamic is I would like. The 81 in the bridge has a nice sustain to it, but still very compressed and not as dynamic as I like.

I will check out the 18v mod, just what i need to use even MORE batteries :ill:
I got my ibanez Rg equiped with 81neck/85bridge I felt the tone improved ALOT when I swaped them, still not has good as in one mahogany guitar.

And I hated her sound with the ibanez passive pups but yet again I never liked their pu.
I have two 81's in my RG Prestige, which is a basswood body. And they are running at 18v. It has a very "round" sound to it, not quite as bright as my Ibanez with a mahogany body and maple top, but definitely super chunky, the sound just hits you in the chest!