Let's hear your Eaten growls!


baptized in blood
Feb 8, 2005
Washington, USA
This thread can be fun since I don't see many like this. Since Eaten is such an awesome song, let's hear your growls! I love singing the whole song, but here's just the "eaten" part. Feel free to say whatever you want from the song.

Here's mine:

if anyone will volunteer to host them, I'll more than gladly do 'em.

Glampers is hostin my little demo, and I don't have the arrogance to ask her to host something else.
You could use www.yousendit.com

when you have chosen some email to send to (it doesn't matter), it'll do it, but also provide you link where the file can be downloaded, you could do that. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, just try and upload it, you'll see.
alrighty, that works.... [posted my guest growls on the kata board]

you'll be hearing them in a bit.. I'm gonna rest my voice for a bit... [maybe till saturday] don't want to hurt myself.
Jinn said:
alrighty, that works.... [posted my guest growls on the kata board]

you'll be hearing them in a bit.. I'm gonna rest my voice for a bit... [maybe till saturday] don't want to hurt myself.
although it would be a fitting tribute to jonas if you shredded your vocal cords :tickled:
Here's another one with more stuff, I'm bored and have too much free time! I am recording with a little shitty mic that came with my computer and the Sound Recorder that comes with Windows, no elite setup here, heh.

More Eaten!
Will be posting mine soon enough, just need to record it first. Maybe I will be posting several versions too? Have any of you tried to pitch-shift your growling tho? Like Bloodbath does in BD... Sounds fucking brutal. I've recorded me saying "din kristne kjøter, jeg spytter på sjela di" in norwegian, which means "you christian dog, I spit on your soul"

Awesome growls, but you need alot of practice Tumn :p
mylovedenied, those are horrible man, do it when you're not sick. I'll take any criticism as well, it is all good. Let's hear some more, guys!