Let's hear your Eaten growls!

I did not get to hear Jinns growl as it is past 7 days. I offer to host anything anybody sends me, just email it to me:

thewiglaf at gmail dot com
oké dudes, this is once in a livetime u get this chance
i got hosting (but i'm kinda nooby with the music files but .care)
www.belgianass.be (chek de fundownloads)
counter-strike clan (kinda stupid when i say this in a metal forum)
so just send me your files through msn or something and i'll host it for ya :)
and i got a good mic, so if u don't got one, come over here and i lend u mine :D because i can't do this shit
sure, why not?

we got great fries :D (not french fries, because those guys are to stupid to invent thatà
hahahaha, these are hilarious. Growls sound so dorky out of the mix. Usually doubletracking cures that though :) I'll try to do one tomorrow morning or something, in the meantime- here's my bestest scream ever-pulled from one of my songs. Sounds quite scary.

Tumn said:
This thread can be fun since I don't see many like this. Since Eaten is such an awesome song, let's hear your growls! I love singing the whole song, but here's just the "eaten" part. Feel free to say whatever you want from the song.

Here's mine:

ah man that is funny shit.. not to say you dont have a good Growl