Lets play the Symphony X lyrics game!


THAT'S "out of the ashes"......

hmmmmmm.....this is a really hard one...pay attention....

" attempting to merge "----??
well.........it's hard to pick something tricky! :erk:

*thinks for a long time*

unlessssss.....you want to try this one instead! I'll even give more than just a few words:

"uncertain about what the future holds"

Well, first you have to guess the other one ;)
The second one is Rediscovery Part II I think, not sure about the first...

Anyway, here is another one to throw out there...

"...to the old wishing well..."
The Turning!

whew....if it was a snake it would have bitten me in the nose lol

This is until someone can guess the other two:

"justice thunders"

If you guess the two others, you will be the official champion of the Symphony X lyrics game. If not, then Medusa's Eyes and I will officially own you all :muahaha: