I totally dig Menhir's mid-era a lot more than the latest one. After 6 years, I was expecting something grand and original, but yet, just felt boring as compared to older material to me... with cleaner vocals, and the very cliche "epic" sound of late (Not that the older material didn't have that, it was just in much smaller doses). I'm kinda getting sick of hearing bands say "Lets throw in some deep, clean, untuned vocals, and some woodwinds!", and calling it a night. Want a little something past that.
Some may like this album, regardless of hearing the new/old material... but it did nothing for me.
I highly suggest Thuringia and Ziuwari though. Especially Thuringia. If only for Die Kelten and the cover of Woman of Dark Desires. Granted, both of these albums have a much DARKER sound, but while keeping the general sound of what you have heard on the latest effort.
Have yet to hear the first album.